Cricket, Cricket Games, Android Games,

Real Cricket 18:

Real Cricket 18 was released by an Indian developer Nautilus Games. The game allows gamers to manage their teams and hire players in order to win the games. Real Cricket 18 comes with a range full of varied shots for the batsmen in the game. However, the animations used in the game are more of like the outdated version of the soccer games.

The developers have tried to give it a look like that of the broadcasters. Each game starts with an aerial view of the stadium and the location around it. But the animations make it look like some block images instead of a building or a car or the audience in the stadium. However, the USP of the game should be the bowling feature of the game. While in most cricket games bowling is a tad bit complicated, the Real Cricket 18 makes it a little less tedious. The game features different bowling styles with a variety of bowls such as off-cutter, drifter, etc. supported by realistic animations.

For a mobile game, this has to be one of the cool cricket video games for all the android users.