WWE News: Carmella & Corey Graves Reveal The Weirdest Place They Had S*x 1
Corey Graves & Carmella - courtesy Youtube

It’s pretty often that WWE superstars find love around the locker room since they stay together on the road most of the time. So it’s safe for them to connect with each other and choose their respective life partners.

One of them is the couple of Carmella and Corey Graves who has come out in public for quite sometimes now. In fact, we have got to see them up close in personal on Total Divas reality TV series.

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In a recent edition of WWE’s The Bump earlier in November, Corey Graves & Carmella received pretty weird questions. It was related to their private life and surprisingly they decided to answer them.

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Now that’s pretty sporting attitude as WWE superstars who often do not like to share their private moments. But this case was exceptional.

Corey Graves was asked what Carmella’s most embarrassing moment was. The regular member of the Raw announce team declared that it’s when her top fell off at a London airport and her b**bs were exposed.

Well, now that’s an incident pretty expected from a star from Total Divas who can stir up controversies just like that.

Then the question moved towards which body part of Carmella does Corey Graves like the most. He noted that Carmella’s butt is the part he likes the most about her body. Well, the Princess of Staten Island must be pretty happy knowing this.

Corey Graves was also asked what is the strangest place the two of them had s*x. He replied there are so many options but he chose ‘a particular shower that was quite warm.’ Carmella, on the other hand, wrote ‘foot of the bed’ on her card.

We should note that both these superstars have been in separate relationships a couple of years ago. Corey Graves was a married man with two children whereas Carmella was dating a former WWE superstar Big Cass. They moved on from there to find new love in each other.

Arindam Pal

A WWE writer passionate about the sports.