WWE/Impact News: Channel Banned Impact Wrestling After Rob Van Dam’s Adult Celebration 1
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WWE veteran Rob Van Dam has been enjoying his life to the fullest as seen on the regular programming on Impact Wrestling, these days. Since his return to WWE’s rival brand, last year, he received a new adultery gimmick that reached new heights.

He is enjoying ‘wrasslin’ his girlfriend, Katie Forbes which might have reached the extreme on public TV that seemed too much for the host network.

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Rob Van Dam had a non-PG celebration party with his girlfriend and his girlfriend’s girlfriend on this week’s episode of Impact Wrestling.

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Due to the intensity of this segment being too high, the Twitch platform has decided not to air Impact episodes, anymore. The wrestling company now owned by Anthem Sports has violated its terms & services which is the reason behind this decision.


There’s no update on whether Rob Van Dam will trim down the extreme contents while throwing celebrations in the future, though. Basically, this lavish lifestyle gimmick on TV is a way of protecting the former WWE Champion’s battered body from getting wrestling overdose.

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It is to protect him from getting involved in too much competition as he dealt with several injuries in the past.

Rob Van Dam spoke with Scott Fishman in 2019 about his “Headstrong” documentary that was released in February where he mentioned the concussions. Most of the time, he picked up plenty of them by trying to be extra tough in matches. For instance, he always took chair shots into the head instead of protecting those by the fist. He even had arguments with Vince McMahon about this issue,

“Vince McMahon told me when I first got into WWE to put my hands up to protect my head from those chair shots. I was arguing with him because I was stupid because I thought I was tough.

He went all father on me, ‘I’m your father telling you to put your hands up. He was really serious. Now I won’t be cheering on chair shots to the head, but most of my concussions have probably come from landing and hitting the back of my head. So, I’m going to be cautious of that as well. There’s been once or twice I’ve had similar things happen since shooting the movie. Thankfully, I didn’t get concussed.”

Arindam Pal

A WWE writer passionate about the sports.