Rumor: Veteran Superstar Claims Mike & Maria Kanellis ‘Misled’ WWE 1
courtesy WWE

There has been a lot of speculations over the status of Mike and Maria Kanellis in the WWE. Whereas Mike has requested release from the company, his wife is currently pregnant and in no condition to make an appearance on TV. This makes both their status in the company, uncertain especially now that Mike Kanellis has decided to go public about his pledge to leave the WWE.

Maria Kanellis Emasculating Forced Her Husband To Ask Release From WWE?

A bunch of superstars publicly requested their releases from WWE as the company granted exit for those wrestlers from their contracts over the past several days. Sin Cara, Luke Harper, and The Ascension have been wished well in their future endeavors.

Maria Kanellis Gives Revealing Update On Her Pregnancy

It kept us wondering whether Mike Kanellis would be the fortunate one, next. However, if a veteran’s comments are to be believed then it’d tough for him to get rid of his current situation.

During a recent edition of Busted Open Radio, WWE Hall of Famer Bubba Ray Dudley informed that Mike and Maria Kanellis might have “misled” WWE while signing their new contracts.

Update On Whether Maria Kanellis Is Leaving The WWE

They have reportedly signed a 5-year-deal for $2,50,000, per year back in 2019 summer. So there could be something fishy as to why they have become so much unhappy that led to a bad situation. Here’s what Bubba said,

“I heard rumors, and not internet rumors and dirt sheet rumors. I’ve heard talk of some scuttlebutt amongst the boys that Mike and Maria might have misled the WWE when their new contracts were signed.

I don’t know this for a fact but I’m saying maybe the WWE didn’t want to release them because I want to keep them [and get] their money’s worth out of them.”

It is not exactly clear on what Mike and Maria have ‘misled’ the company on. Maria Kanellis announced that she was pregnant soon after re-signing with the WWE.

At that point, there were speculations on whether WWE was aware of that or not. It’s not confirmed whether that is exactly what Bully Ray was referring to.

Arindam Pal

A WWE writer passionate about the sports.