Nia Jax Openly Took Shot To WWE Star Who Hurt Alexa Bliss 1
courtesy WWE

Nia Jax who is the latest returnee on Monday Night Raw, appeared on a live Twitch stream earlier this week with Renee Young, Paige, Natalya, Peyton Royce, and Billie Kay to reveal a past incident that stirred up the WWE Universe.

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It is thought to be a shot to former WWE Raw Women’s Champion Ronda Rousey going by the consequences. However, Jax did not mention any specific name who was potentially blaming Alexa Bliss for getting hurt.

As seen in the discussion, Nia Jax talked about herself going to WWE officials and spoke out about a “certain somebody” working roughly with Alexa Bliss, who was dealing with several concussion-related issues over the past few years and missed time because of them.

Little Miss Bliss didn’t want to speak because she wanted to be a team player. So Jax stood up for her and went to WWE higher-ups and file a complaint against that somebody.

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“She was working an angle and she was seriously getting hurt. A certain angle with a certain somebody, and I remember not saying anything, specifically because she wanted to be a team player, like, she as so nervous, she wants to be a team player. She didn’t want to be somebody who, like, ‘Oh, I can’t do this.’ Jax stated.

“But for me personally, from the outside looking in, I was so angry. I was like, ‘No, she cannot do this anymore.’ I personally would not allow her to get back in the ring to get hurt again. I had to go to the people, the higher-ups, and I had to put down a stern foot, and said, ‘Listen, look, Lexi is 5-foot-nothing, 100 pounds, getting thrown around like a little rag doll and injured ever night.’ I was like, ‘Put me in. I’m a 6 foot, 300-pound b—h, I can handle it.'”

Fans on social media could relate this incident to the WWE 365 documentary on Alexa Bliss where she opened up about getting a concussion where her career almost ended. Nia Jax helped her a lot at that time.

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That WWE Network from 2019 special covered Bliss’ career from April 8, 2018 – April 7, 2019, including her feuds with Jax and Ronda Rousey. She lost the RAW Women’s Championship to Rousey at SummerSlam on August 19, 2018, and then again lost the rematch at Hell In a Cell on September 16, 2018.

Alexa Bliss suffered another concussion during the Hell in a Cell match with Ronda Rousey and that injury kept her on the shelf as she couldn’t feud with WWE Hall of Famer Trish for the first-ever WWE Evolution pay-per-view.

She ended up suffering another concussion at the hands of Rousey during a live event that put her out of commission, indefinitely.

During the WWE 365 documentary, Alexa Bliss admitted that it’s very different being in the ring with Rousey because she has a different style who comes from a different MMA background.

Bliss then talked about HIAC injury and revealed how Jax stood up for her back then as these two used to be the best of friends. Bliss did not blame anyone for that concussion.

“We slipped. Crashed and burned,” The Goddess said of the spot with Rousey in the live event match where the injury happened. “I was in the training room and my nose is bleeding. I was crying. The doc said, ‘I think you’re concussed.’

“That’s when Nia stepped in. She said, ‘I’m gonna call your mom, tell her you’re coming home, you’re staying with me tonight. I’m driving you.’ She kind of just took me under her wing that day and it’s like the process [concussion recovery] starts all over again. The day before Evolution, I was not cleared to be in the match.”

The live event match, just 1 week before Evolution and 34 days after Hell In a Cell, saw Alexa Bliss team with Mickie for a loss to Jax and Rousey. The finish came after Rousey used the armbar on Bliss.

She tried hard to get cleared for Evolution so she could wrestle Trish Stratus in her dream match which never happened and many of the fans were disappointed with Rousey hurting Bliss with her reckless wrestling style. We should note that neither Nia Jax named Rousey in the Twitch stream nor Alexa Bliss did so in her documentary.

Arindam Pal

A WWE writer passionate about the sports.