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Former WWE Divas Champion Nikki Bella revealed a lot of about her personal life in her new memoir, Incomparable. The book co-written by Brie Bella made them New York Times Best-Selling Authors, as reported recently.  While talking about her past, Nikki Bella talked a lot about her love life and how she had trust issues with men.


Being raped as a teenager was one of the reasons behind that. The other one can be considered in the form of a failed relationship after Brie and Nikki Bella had just entered the world of WWE. In the book, she discussed her discussed the relationship with a WWE star who she was with before she started dating John Cena.

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Although she didn’t mention the superstar’s name, it’s pretty obvious that she’s talking about Dolph Ziggler whom she dated back in her FCW days. The duo even opened up about this on Total Divas reality series, in the past. Apparently, Nikki Bella came closer to Ziggler who has always been a Lady’s Man. While she started growing feelings for him, he had shown no soft corner for her.

“We can call this wrestler Brad. He was loud, and hilarious, and loved attention. After matches, we would all end up at the hotel bar, and he was always there to make everyone laugh, with a smart-a$$ joke for every occasion.


He would look at me in a certain way, knowing that it would make me feel a certain way — he knew exactly what he was doing. He teased me a lot, too, the way you tease a girl you like in third grade. And he would make himself challenging — every girl loves a challenge. So I guess what I’m trying to say is that Brad knew how to hook a girl. And then mind-f*ck her.


We started sleeping together, though that did not deter him from openly and aggressively flirting with other girls.”

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Nikki Bella went on to detail that they had an adult relationship for sometimes which should have converted to something mature. But it didn’t. In the meantime, Bella caught that non-mentioned superstar cheating on her with another WWE colleague. That marked the end of their relationship.


“I loved having $ex with him, which only complicated matters. We had great chemistry in the bedroom, and he was still making me laugh. But he was a little cruel, too.


He thought very little about protecting my feelings. I think he thrived on that gray area, that middle ground, where I was constantly left questioning the boundaries of our relationship with a big ‘What the hell are we?’”


“The messages were from one of my closest friends at WWE — a girl who had come to San Diego to see my family with me two nights before she apparently banged my man for the first time.”



Going by the speculations from earlier days, it was well known that a cold war existed between The Bella Twins and Maria Kanellis over Dolph Ziggler. Maria was the one who caused a break up between Ziggler and Nikki Bella. It was also rumored that Bellas took revenge by forcing WWE to release Maria from her WWE contract. Nikki concluded the topic saying that she is still on good terms with that particular wrestler.

Arindam Pal

A WWE writer passionate about the sports.