Lacey Evans Mentions Recent WWE Releases As ‘Terrible’ Incident 1
courtesy WWE

The count of released employees could reportedly reach the 50-plus figure. WWE superstar Lacey Evans has her view on this incident. The coronavirus pandemic has caused a black day in pro-wrestling back on April 15 where the biggest roster cut was observed by the WWE. A bunch of WWE talents including superstars, backstage officials, referees, and more was released, at a time.

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The Lady of WWE chose to share her thoughts on WWE’s recent releases. While speaking with the Walkway Fight Club podcast, Lacey Evans mentioned that the situation was “terrible”. She can feel for them and the tough situation those talents might be going in, right now especially given that she didn’t have a smooth upbringing.



Lacey Evans explained that she takes the news in a hard way just like she knows what it feels to come from a rough childhood without having no money. The former number one contender for Raw and SmackDown Women’s Championship stated that she knows what “rock bottom feels like.” She also noted that a person could feel sick when “you don’t know what you’re doing to do.”

The former military woman then stressed on the fact that WWE is incredibly supportive, though. Lacey Evans added how the company always ensures that everyone should get what they are meant to get. Lacey Evans went on to explain how they make sure that “everybody has what they need and is taken care of, and to the point of going forward.” She also noted that this one must bring a “crapping feeling” that she can’t imagine being a part of.


Her feeling is quite understandable as she’s not coming from a so-called professional wrestling background. Often superstars have experiences of jumping the ship from one promotion to the other, throughout their career. But as for Lacey Evans, WWE has been the opening door for her. That stint continues as she can’t imagine a life beyond it.

While closing the interview, Lacey Evans reflected on her military background and added that she just have to keep pushing forward. She spoke about people getting to adapt in this tough situation and overcome the adversities in the process, “You can’t let life no matter what it is; no matter what cards you’re dealt with, you keep got to keep playing, you got to play your hand, and you got to play to the best of your ability. I mean, it’s hard.” (via


Arindam Pal

A WWE writer passionate about the sports.