Being the youngest champion in the history of the WWE Women’s division, Saraya fka Paige had the opportunity to set more records in her wrestling career. However, a neck injury troubled her a lot and caused a major setback in her career that had come to a halt back in 2018 after spending just four years on the main roster.

However, All Elite Wrestling gave her the platform to make a return to the squared circle and the company garnered a lot of attention through this. Saraya recently disclosed that she got full medical clearance on the week of 2022 Halloween which led her to be back in competition after a hiatus of almost five years.

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Saraya Fka WWE’s Paige On Plastic Surgery, “I Got My B**Bs Done, I Got My Lips Done” 1

The former Paige and the now Saraya is certainly different as the latter has become more mature by her age. The two personas also appear to be different, which led some fans to believe that the former WWE Divas Champion must have gone through multiple surgeries. While a couple of them are true, the anti-Diva had never done any work on her face.

Saraya recently discussed the huge change in her appearance after getting over from sobriety. While speaking to Chris Van Vliet, the current AEW Superstar admitted that she had breast implants done, multiple years ago but she had never been under any kind of procedures done to her face. She had a little Botox done to smooth out the wrinkles, but that was gone just after three months.

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Saraya is a naturally beautiful female pro-wrestler

Moving on in the conversation, Saraya expressed her frustration that often people think her to have multiple plastic surgeries done on her face and lips. In reality, she never had any filler in her cheeks or her nose. Rather, it’s a fact that her glow noticeably increased after she became sober.

“This is what really frustrates me is people think I got these surgeries done. I got my boobs done, I got my lips done like 4 years, actually 5 years ago. And you have to get them dissolved. I haven’t had them done ever since,” Saraya revealed.

“I swear on everyone I are about, I did not have surgery on my face, I haven’t had it. I haven’t been under the knife. I haven’t had any filler in my cheeks. I haven’t had my nose done. Should I be flattered by this? Should I be offended by this? I don’t know.” (quotes courtesy Ringside News)

Without a doubt, Saraya is one of the most naturally beautiful female professional wrestlers and she definitely didn’t need surgical enhancement to increase her beauty quotient. The Glampire Queen is back to in-ring competition and rest assured that her global fanbase would love to see more of her on TV.

Arindam Pal

A WWE writer passionate about the sports.