WWE News: Seth Rollins Complains About The Fiend’s Red Light During Matches 1
courtesy WWE

WWE Universe loves every aspect that The Fiend brings alongside him. As reported in recent times, he has become the new number one merchandise seller in the company.

It does not come as a surprise as Vince McMahon and Co. pulled all the stops to make this character to be the strongest of this era. They also create a certain environment in each of his matches.

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The Fiend Bray Wyatt wrestles while the entire arena is bathed in red light. This adds a unique aspect to the matches that he performs in, but Seth Rollins is not a fan of it.

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We can’t blame Rollins as the trend started from Hell in a Cell that earner tremendous heel heat for him and eventually forced him to turn into a heel.

During a recent episode of WWE Backstage, Seth Rollins opened up about the red light that surrounds the ring when The Fiend Bray Wyatt wrestles.

He opined that it was the sole reason why the whole Hell In A Cell match was “a mess.” The cell was also painted red and the dark light onto the structure didn’t help things at all,

“So that was a mess for me, right? Because first of all, you’re in this dark red. The cell is also red and so you’re trying to navigate around the edges of the cell and it’s very tight quarters, to begin with.

It was a mess. It was very difficult to deal with especially not knowing what was going to happen. I for one am not a fan [of the red light] I think it affects my performance personally.”

Despite what Seth Rollins thinks, Vince McMahon would not remove the red light on the matches featuring The Fiend Bray Wyatt. The bygone Survivor Series match against Daniel Bryan also had the same red-light effect that may have made things difficult for the challenger. But at this point, the creative elements pitched by Wyatt won’t be neglected.

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The Fiend Bray Wyatt has been moving a ton of merchandise at this point and it should only increase heading into the WrestleMania season. So the push towards him will not come to an end, anytime soon.

Arindam Pal

A WWE writer passionate about the sports.