Triple H Wanted Advice From The Undertaker While Dating Stephanie McMahon In WWE 1
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The Undertaker has earned everybody’s respect in that WWE locker room for the past three decades. He used to be a leader, backstage in WWE during his days as a full-timer. Superstars would look up to him and go to him for any kind of advice regarding career or anything else. That includes Triple H who apparently went to him for relationship advice.

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The Undertaker has stood up for a lot of people throughout his career in the WWE and WWE COO Triple H is one of them. During the Last Ride documentary, The Game revealed going to The Phenome to discuss his relationship with Stephanie McMahon. These two have just started dating each other back in the days. A lot of pressure and negative comments showered upon Triple H as he was dating The Boss’ daughter.



Triple H remembered that it was The Undertaker who gave him confidence by telling him not to listen to anything that the haters had to offer. Triple H knew what he was doing and what these two would bring to the table, together. So as per The Undertaker, the power couple should keep aside all the negative talks around them,


“He was a locker room leader and a sounding board for things. When Steph and I got together and started to have a relationship, the guy I talked to about it was Taker. He was one of the most supportive guys of it. He was like, ‘Screw everybody and their opinions. You know what you bring to the table and so do I. If they don’t like it, that’s their problem.’”

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Triple H also mentioned that Undertaker attended their wedding. Although The King of Kings doesn’t share a buddy hood connection with Taker, whenever he was around the locker room, and he got a question to ask, these two bonded well.


“He was in our wedding. At a certain point in time you find yourselves being two of the things that are just always there. If you walk into the locker room, the one guy who could relate to everything you’ve been through in the last 20-25 years was Taker. We don’t have a day-to-day buddy-buddy hangout, but I could look over and see him in Gorilla, see that he’s in his own head, and talk to him about it.” (quotes courtesy Fightful)



It appears that both these legends used to be each other’s advisors in professional aspect. While The Undertaker was wrestling for the first time since losing the streak at WrestleMania 30 against Brock Lesnar, his confidence appeared to be shaken. It was Triple H who guessed the mental condition of the Deadman in the Gorilla Position and talked to him to boost up his mental strength. This story was also shared in the Last Ride docuseries on the WWE Network.

Arindam Pal

A WWE writer passionate about the sports.