Bad News For WWE: Fans May Not Return To Live Events For A Long Time 1
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The coronavirus pandemic will have a long-lasting effect on the sports world, without a doubt. If the recent reports are any indications then WWE would also have to run shows without an audience for a long time which makes things terrible for Vince McMahon and Co. Professional wrestling did find a way to run during the novel coronavirus pandemic but the usual wild feel without audience won’t be coming back, any time soon.

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Sports Illustrated published an article that demolished bigger hopes of live sporting events coming back. Ph.D. of epidemiology Zach Binney stated that live sporting events having fans won’t come back until a COVID-19 vaccine is found, and that will be a long wait,

“We will not have sporting events with fans until we have a vaccine.”

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A vaccine to counter coronavirus will take 12-18 months to develop and distribute. The scene will be entirely different when fans will be allowed to return to sporting events. Binney did not sound much optimistic about leagues running in closed venues. More details on the issues were stated by which is as follows,

“It was said that to safely pull that off each competitor would need to be isolated for two weeks before and after to make sure that there are no symptoms. Staff would need to be tested for COVID-19 daily as well. It gets very tricky when you’re talking about a virus as contagious as the novel coronavirus.”

If any of the competitors leave a secure location, he/she has to move to isolation for two weeks. The talent has to be paid compensation as well as the payment during isolation. This situation can be handled for a limited time but not for a long timespan. Thus the future does not seem bright for live events with packed arenas, at all.

AEW and Impact Wrestling promotion has filmed contents for multiple months whereas WWE is coming back to live contents from this week onwards. It will be interesting to see how long Vince McMahon would be able to go ahead with this strategy. Donald Trump hopes to have stadiums opened up by September and WWE also wants Summerslam to be hosted in a big way. But in reality, that seems impossible.

Arindam Pal

A WWE writer passionate about the sports.