How WWE Is Using The Fiend To Change Other Superstars’ Characters? 1
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As reported earlier, The Fiend character is the strongest of them all in WWE, today. He is the current Universal Champion of the world aka the self-proclaimed ruler of the Universe.

Be the popularity among the fans or merchandise selling, he is residing at the top of his game. In fact, WWE has now adopted an idea to change other superstars’ character with his help.

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In an interesting report by Slice Wrestling, it was pointed out how WWE is trying to change superstars’ gimmick who has been involved with The Fiend in the recent past.

Indeed, all of the opponents of this demonic persona has already transformed into a new character by the time the feud has been over.

SW noted that WWE officials are planning to do big things with Fiend’s “Hurt” and “Heal” principle. Here The Fiend will “hurt” his opponents and “heal” them by converting them back into old characters.

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This is so true considering that he has feuded with three superstars thus far who went donned new gimmicks, moving forward. These three are,

– Finn Balor (went back to NXT)

– Seth Rollins (went back to being a heel)

– Daniel Bryan (returned as American Dragon)

The first two superstars as mentioned above used to be babyface personas. But they have turned into heels after coming up short against the reigning champion on SmackDown.

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On the other hand, Daniel Bryan had to change his looks let alone his character in the ongoing title feud with the monstrous persona. The American Dragon was back at TLC pay-per-view.

As of now, Daniel Bryan returned to the scene to hammer away at the champion with a brand new look at TLC. This will mark the continuation of the ongoing feud to produce another title match between these two in due course.

Most probably the rematch will go down at the Royal Rumble event in 2020. However, The Fiend is not expected to drop his belt until and unless WrestleMania 36 arrives.

Arindam Pal

A WWE writer passionate about the sports.