Revealed: 2020 WWE Salary Of Triple H, Vince & Stephanie McMahon 1
courtesy WWE

It’s all about making money when it comes to WWE. The company recently released a proxy statement ahead of its annual shareholders’ meeting. The filing included salary for top executives in the company that includes Vince McMahon, Stephanie McMahon and Paul “Triple H” Levesque.

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As published in the report, the salary of these names for this year was released. You can check it out as given below alongside comparisons of their pay for 2018 and 2019. These are the top 5 corporate officers and their base salary provided by WWE, (source

* Vince McMahon – $1.4 million in 2020, equal with 2019 and 2018

* Former WWE Co-President George Barrios – N/A, (He left the company in January). His salary was $935,250 in 2019, $870,000 in 2018 and $783,510 in 2017

* Former WWE Co-President Michelle Wilson – N/A, (She also left the company in January along with Barrios) Her salary was $935,250 in 2019, $870,000 in 2018 and $791,044 in 2017

* Paul “Triple H” Levesque – $730,000 in 2020, up from $710,000 in 2019, $684,125 in 2018 and $650,000 in 2017

* Stephanie McMahon – $730,000 in 2020, up from $710,000 in 2019 and $684,125 in 2018

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It should be noted that Kevin Dunn was excluded from this list as Stephanie McMahon upper her rank to replace the head of the broadcast team in WWE. Shane McMahon is also not available in this top 5 list of WWE names who draws the maximum amount of paycheck.

The above-given figures are just base salary paid by the WWE which do not include bonuses, stock options or talent pay (separate salary for their on-screen role) for Triple H and Stephanie McMahon. Below-given is the total compensation for the year 2019 including the salary, stock awards, non-equity incentive plan compensation, and other compensation.

Comparisons with their 2018, 2017 and 2016 salary were also provided by the source,

* Vince McMahon – $3,503,703 in 2019, down from $5,658,238 million in 2018, but up from $3,087,537 in 2017 and $3,071,600 in 2016

* George Barrios – $1,795,855, down from $9,108,342 in 2018, $1,943,808 in 2017 and $4,311,056 in 2016

* Michelle Wilson – $1,795,855, down from $9,188,586 in 2018, up from $1,962,637 in 2017 and $4,317,617 in 2016

* Triple H (includes his salary as a performer) – $3,328,092 in 2019, down from $5,031,459 in 2018. His pay was $3,223,716 in 2017 and $3,993,417 in 2016

* Stephanie McMahon – $2,027,248. As mentioned above, this is her first-time entry to the top 5 list of “named executive officers” as she replaced Kevin Dunn.

Triple H’s salary as an in-ring performer for 2019 was $2,016,977, down from $3,069,667. His pay was $1,493,640 in 2017 and $2,471,961 in 2016. He competed in only two televised matches in 2019 and also trimmed down appearances on TV. Stephanie McMahon’s WWE salary as a performer for 2019 was $716,133.

Arindam Pal

A WWE writer passionate about the sports.