5 Women Superstars Vince McMahon Kissed on Screen 1
Vince with Trish - courtesy Dailymotion


If Torrie Wilson was a bombshell, I don’t know what would be the proper word to describe Sable. She is the original ‘Diva’ in the WWE who innovated this term for the female stars. She arrived in the scene in the 90s for skin-showing segments. These made even females relevant to the male-dominated industry. Later, she came back to the WWE in 2003 as the love interest of Vince McMahon.


Sable featured on Smackdown Live in a rivalry against Stephanie McMahon acting as the mistress of Vince McMahon. The Boss had some good times on TV with this ‘hotty’ on-screen. He even dared his wife from barring him from doing so. Sable also did not dare to do some incredible show-offs on-screen. Stephanie actually ripped off her clothes on one of the episodes on Smackdown popping out the breasts. Who would have wondered that Sable was going to be Brock Lesnar’s real-life mistress after a couple of years?

Arindam Pal

A WWE writer passionate about the sports.

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