5 Women Superstars Vince McMahon Kissed on Screen 1
Vince with Trish - courtesy Dailymotion


Trish Stratus
Who is the most celebrated women superstar in the WWE? Almost 90 per cent of the fans would come up with the name of Trish Stratus. Before becoming a bonafide competitor, she was an on-screen ‘sex symbol’ on WWE TV. The import from the modelling industry was a perfect woman to seduce the male wrestlers of the locker room. Most of the superstars were lucky enough to put their lips on Trish’s. But Vince McMahon was the luckiest among them to get the most out of Trish Stratus.



Vince McMahon started an extra-marital affair with Trish Stratus much to the disgust of his daughter, Stephanie McMahon. They shared several passionate moments including rolling the tongue on live TV to bring out the romance. However, the Boss also did some nasty things to the greatest Diva of all-time. Stephanie dumped sewage on her and Vince even ordered her to strip on live TV in some disgusting acts. Later, Trish Stratus took her revenge on the boss to end the romantic involvements.

Arindam Pal

A WWE writer passionate about the sports.

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