WWE News: Bobby Lashley-Lana Appeared On WWE Raw From Rusev’s House 1
courtesy WWE

WWE Raw kicked off last night in a pretty unusual way as we saw Randy Orton and Corbin beating down Rusev in the middle of the ring. The commentators informed us saying that it was a matchup between Rusev and Corbin. But the match officially never started as the referee was yet to ring the bell after the heel duo started attacking him, suddenly. Rusev tried to fend them off the ring bringing valiant effort but something terrible was waiting for her over the next few minutes.

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Bobby Lashley appeared on the TitanTron in the middle of the pre-match brawl while wearing Rusev’s robe. He was broadcasting live from The Bulgarian Brute’s room mentioning how beautiful life he’s living. Lana appeared beside her starting cuddling with the former Intercontinental Champion that was disgusting to watch for Rusev. Here’s how Lashley and Lana made things miserable for the Super Athlete (courtesy WWE.com)

“As The All-Mighty made a show of climbing into Rusev’s bed, he pointed out that something was missing … and right on cue, Lana walked in, wearing a scant-looking shift. “Everything we own is now in my name, and we don’t have joint checking accounts anymore. It’s all mine,” said The Ravishing Russian as she slid beneath the covers next to the former Intercontinental Champion, who scolded Rusev for sending money to his family in Bulgaria rather than spoiling his wife before turning out the lights.”

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An irate Rusev lost control of his mind and pounced on Randy Orton and King Corbin once the video package came to a close. A ferocious attack followed on the heel duo as Rusev nailed them with multiple kicks. He took the steel steps in hand to drop them on the floor and stand tall. The anger and frustration of the former US Champion might turn out handy for Team Flair at the Crown Jewel PPV event.

Earlier to this, Bobby Lashley and Lana returned on WWE Raw, last week as a couple. They kissed in front of the Bulgarian Brute to shock the world. They also walked into FOX premiere of SmackDown on this past Friday night in the blue carpet taunting Rusev. It looks like they will continue to do so in weeks to come making his life a living hell.

Arindam Pal

A WWE writer passionate about the sports.