courtesy Twitter

One of the major talking points of Wrestlemania 37 is the in-ring gear that Carmella used for the pay-per-view event. It exposed a bit more than expected from the get-go. While involving in the physical capacity inside the ring, it couldn’t contain the private part of the former Miss Money in the Bank and thus she ended up garnering tons of attention. She was trending even after Night Two of the show is over.

To acknowledge those who have appreciated her in-ring gear, Carmella posted a stunning photo of her on Instagram, using the caption, ‘who is she?’ alongside the Wrestlemania hashtag.

In addition, she posted a number of photos and videos of herself from the Show of Shows using her Insta stories which you can check out throughout this article.

As reported earlier, Dana Brooke had some serious troubles keeping her top adjusted to cover up her assets. This caused WWE to blackout the screen a couple of times. Carmella also suffered a similar problem in that revealing outfit although there are serious debates going on around the IWC whether she suffered a wardrobe malfunction or not.

Chelsea Green Wishes Happy Wrestlemania 37 Day To WWE Universe

Carmella also suffered nip-slip at Wrestlemania 37?

The below photo from Wrestlemania 37 circulating on the internet raised the question of whether it was the nipple of Carmella or just a shadow. While plenty of fans were outright to point it out as nipple, the unique angle of light can’t be ruled out. Some have also pointed out that it could be a shadow due to her gear and body’s position.

The Bella Twins Got Physical At WWE Wrestlemania 37; Share Photo Dump

Whatever it was, a major portion of the WWE audience had a great time looking at the exposing body of Carmella who wanted to show more of the gear throughout the night II. Although she wasn’t able to move to the Women’s tag team title match, she made a statement before leaving the ring.

As seen in the contender’s tag team turmoil match, Carmella & Billie Kay defeated Naomi and Lana to advance to the second match. Here Billie Kay was pinned to eliminate her team from the match. A frustrated Mella couldn’t believe it happened as she superkick-ed both the Riott Squad members before making the exit.

Arindam Pal

A WWE writer passionate about the sports.