Charlotte Flair with Stone Cold
courtesy Google

Stone Cold Steve Austin and Charlotte Flair are two of the most decorated superstars in the WWE. While the latter is destined to shatter some big records by the time she’d be finished, the Hall of Famer isn’t a regular name on WWE TV as he’s an old-school name. But they sure had a lot of following all over the world. So a snap of them together is bound to garner attention.

As seen on Twitter, Charlotte Flair and Stone Cold Steve Austin were recently spotted together on the beach. They didn’t disclose whether they were working on a project but the great moment has made its way onto Flair’s timeline. The fans had opined on it predicting what could be going on between the two. But we guess it doesn’t have anything to do with the WWE.

Charlotte Flair Finding Groove Before Returning To WWE

Charlotte Flair Spotted With WWE Legend Stone Cold Steve Austin

The Rattlesnake has been involved in a lot of projects including the Broken Skull Sessions podcast on the WWE Network. They might have just bumped with each other while working on the beach or it could be possible that Charlotte Flair could be a future guest on the show. But WWE hasn’t yet mentioned anything on that. The Queen herself is involved in some new projects during her WWE hiatus.

WWE Stars Sasha Banks & Charlotte Flair Share Throwback Bikini Photos

It has recently been reported on Twitter by Ryan Satin that the TV project of Charlotte Flair is a “scripted show with a big network” that is yet to be disclosed. The ten-time Women’s Champion is currently out of action as she has undergone plastic surgery to fix a breast implant leak issue. The problematic situation was related to a previous operation she had done, a couple of years ago.

While speaking in an interview with Wrestling Inc, Ric Flair revealed that Charlotte Flair won’t be back until at least WrestleMania in 2021 as a torn rotator cuff issue is also giving her trouble. A sensitive injury like this could cause her a full year of action including the show of shows.

“So she’ll be fine just has to be patient and heal. The rotator cuffs, you got to let those heal. You gotta let the knees [heal], and I got to remind her sometimes like Seth was off for a year. She’s likely out for a year. It’s not the end. You’ll come back,” said The Nature Boy.

The good thing is that Charlotte Flair herself mentioned “This isn’t remotely freaking true” in response to the news of her long hiatus until Wrestlemania 37. Who knows is she is all set to make a grand comeback during the Draft that begins from this Friday on Smackdown?

Arindam Pal

A WWE writer passionate about the sports.