Chelsea Green
courtesy Twitter

There have been only a few weeks since Chelsea Green is in possession of the WWE Women’s Tag Team Championships in the WWE and she might eventually have to drop the belts without even a single defense due to unfortunate circumstances. But that doesn’t mean that she’s planning with these belts as much as she can. In fact, she wants to remove the curse from these titles.

Over the past several years, WWE Universe believes that there’s a curse on the Women’s Tag Team Titles belts which impacts negatively on the ongoing storylines or the career of the title holders. The impact even worsened, this year as several former champions were injured in recent times to cause drastic changes to WWE’s plans.

On that note, Chelsea Green stated on After The Bell podcast that she intends to get rid of “the curse” while being the champion with the WWE Women’s Tag Team Titles,

“They were cursed. Past tense. I am now the woman to change the trajectory of these tag team championships. They are no longer going to be cursed. Actually, I’ve gone ahead and bought some items to save them. So you will be seeing that on TikTok, don’t worry. We’re going to make a new path for these bad boys, and I think I am the perfect woman to do that.”

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Chelsea Green shares her big plans with Women’s Tag Team Titles

Following this past Monday Night, WWE Universe firmly believes the curse around the women’s tag titles after Chelsea Green’s tag team partner Sonya Deville announced that she will miss months of action due to a torn ACL. With that, there’re also speculations about the titles getting vacated, once more. However, the other half of the champion still has some big plans for the gold.

“What makes me different is I’m about to take [the titles] on a whole different journey. I might even rename them. They might be the ‘Undisputed Unified World Heavyweight Women’s Tag Team Champion,’ no ‘s.’ The UUWWTTC,” Chelsea Green made a bold statement.

“Yeah, I think that’s what we will do. I just have to get Adam Pearce to sign off on a quick little memo stating that I can do that, but that should be no problem considering he signs off on so many other silly things.” (quotes courtesy Wrestling INC)

Chelsea Green also reflected confidence while mentioning that Green noted that she would love to defend the tag titles as a “one man band.” Against a suitable opponent. She also now wants other women in the division to step up to the game to prove themselves worthy of a title shot. WWE is yet to respond to her claims as they have not yet declared the future of the titles.

Reports claim that WWE has brought all hands on deck while making future plans for the women’s tag team titles which will involve names from Raw, Smackdown, and NXT talents. Hence, there shouldn’t be any lack of competition for Chelsea Green if she gets the opportunity to defend the title on her own.


Arindam Pal

A WWE writer passionate about the sports.