Eva Marie
courtesy Instagram

On a rare occasion, Eva Marie wasn’t present on this week’s episode of Monday Night Raw that took place at the FTX Arena in Miami, Florida. Once the show was over, the superstar shared a video in which she claimed to have undergone a full-body MRI scan at a medical facility.

In what appeared to be a storyline progression, the leader of Eva-Lution claimed that she plans to spare none of WWE’s expense to “discover the physical and emotional damage” she suffered at the hands of Doudrop on last night’s episode of RAW.

“I will spare none of @WWE ‘s expense to discover the physical and EMOTIONAL damage @doudropwwe cause me with her heinous and illegal attack! #JusticeForEva.”

In a follow-up tweet, Eva Marie responded to Doudrop challenging her to a rematch for next week,

“The only STATEMENTS I see in her future will be the ones she gives on the defendants stand in a court of law for her upcoming assault and battery charges. Go back to your farm in Finland you criminal #EVALution #JusticeForEva.”

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Eva Marie to face Doudrop, next week?

Doudrop stated in a backstage interview, this week that karma has a funny way of coming back around, and that she enjoyed beating down the “talentless” Eva Marie last Monday night. Doudrop mentioned how her former mentor tormented her for months, claiming it was all part of the Eva-Lution which eventually turned out to be a big Eva-Delusion. She then hyped up the Doudrop-alution for next week, challenging her former mentor to a rematch.

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There’s no confirmation on whether this match will take place on the September 13 episode of Raw since WWE hasn’t officially announced it. Last week, Eva Marie was Doudrop was scheduled but the latter beat up her protégé as the match never really happened. The referee declared Marie to be unable to compete as a result of that beatdown.

The feud between Eva Marie and Droudrop was teased since the beginning of this pairing, back in June. The latter was belittled by the former All-Red Everything, every now and then and at a point, a split seemed evident. It’ll be interesting whether Doudrop can get her hands on Marie, next week.

Arindam Pal

A WWE writer passionate about the sports.