Goldberg. Image Credits: Twitter

Goldberg resurfaces on WWE TV after a minimal gap as per the instructions he receives from Vince McMahon, on the occasion of bigger PPV events. If the recent reports are any indications then he is not set to make a return to WWE on not the road to WrestleMania 37, though. He is contracted for one more match in 2021, as per the current deal and WWE wants to save it up.

During the recent documentary on WWE Network, Goldberg openly admitted how much love he has for professional wrestling which wasn’t the case in the prior years. This is also one of the reasons why he never returned, quickly after leaving the WWE in 2004. It took him more than 12 years to make the way back.

Goldberg Desperate To Have Match With Roman Reigns In WWE

Apparently, the same attitude of hating pro-wrestling stays with the legendary superstar, it seems. While speaking Insight with Chris Van Vliet, Eric Bischoff stated that Goldberg is still wrestling because he only loves money. He doesn’t love wrestling but rather those huge checks are enough to keep him around the scene.

“Goldberg is doing it for the money, come on. This is not love of the business or love to get out there and perform. In my opinion, sorry Bill you and I aren’t close friends but we are friends. And if what I am saying Bill offends you then I apologise because I don’t mean it to but come on dude, do you think he’s doing it for the fun or do you think he’s doing it for the money?”

Goldberg’s money deal with WWE is smart

Bischoff added that this mindset of Goldberg isn’t a bad thing. WWE considers him as a huge marquee superstar and wants him to perform in return for a lucrative deal. He’s making tons of money and it’s hard to deny those amounts specifically now that he has a family to take care of. But the true motivation appears to be money only and wrestling has no space in it.

“It’s smart it’s not a bad thing! I’m not putting it down. If I had the ability at Bill’s age, and look the way Bill did and someone gave me a 7 figure cheque to work 5 minutes come on! Lets be honest with ourselves and not bust anybody’s balls over this. Anyone would do it, we dream about that opportunity,” WCW owner noted.

Nobody knows Goldberg quite like Bischoff as he is best known for his days spent in that promotion in the prime. That 173-0 undefeated streak in WCW used to be something incredible. He was successful in WWE in title match challenges but that came to an end after losing to Drew McIntyre at Royal Rumble 2021.

Arindam Pal

A WWE writer passionate about the sports.