Vince McMahon
courtesy WWE

Vince McMahon is perhaps the most colorful character of pro-wrestling which is fitting to the concept of sports entertainment. He himself is the best example of how entertainment can be presented on TV which is the morale for WWE programming. Fans must be curious to know how his regular life could be which may not live up to the expectations.

The novel coronavirus changed several things about WWE and the most important aspect is that superstars no longer have to travel all around the world. So, Vince McMahon is also no longer required to make it to the towns across the country with his company members. But he still follows a strict schedule and sticks to it, every day. After all, that is the reason behind his fitness.

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Vince McMahon: How Does WWE Chairman Spend His Day?

WWE veteran and ex-employee Arn Anderson was happy to talk about the daily life of Vince McMahon on the ARN podcast. As per his revelation, The Boss gets up early in the morning and works out in his home gym. He lives in ‘his own bubble’ which is the reason why we have never seen him giving autographs or snapping selfies with fans.

It was also noted that how Vince McMahon controls his life in such a way so that the most productivity can be ensured, out of a day. Here are full details from Anderson on how McMahon’s entire day looks like,

“You’re asking me if he signs autographs and takes pictures? No, I’ve never seen that. I’m pretty sure that’s never happened, and never will happen. He kind of functions in his own bubble. It probably goes something like this. Now, I’m not saying this is a bad thing. You judge it, but [he’s] got a gym in his house, gets up early in the morning, gets a workout, has a limo to pick him up to take him to the airport, walks up the steps to a private plane, goes to the town, gets out of the limo [and] goes straight to building. He walks straight into his office.”

“From his office, he goes straight into the meeting room where he’ll spend most of the afternoon. He’ll go straight to gorilla. When it’s time, shows over. [He goes] straight to another limo, straight to the private plane [goes] next to the next town, straight to the hotel that they’re staying at, comfy hotel. And around three or four in the morning, he’ll go to the gym again. To the next morning, repeat. That’s pretty much the day and the life of Vince McMahon, I think.”

“From what I gathered and heard, that’s pretty accurate. So, that doesn’t leave time for autographs [and] pictures, handshaking, ‘Thanks for coming.’” (courtesy Wrestling INC)

Going by the above comments, it’s pretty certain that McMahon must be going through such a schedule, these days. His traveling schedule was lessened in recent times due to his growing age. Then coronavirus hit the scene and he might give visits to the WWE Performance Center in Orlando instead of a new city.

WWE is a global brand and Vince McMahon has to go through immense pressure to go through the workload. It’s incredible that he is still capable of doing his corporate duties efficiently even at the age of 73. Sometimes he even shows up on TV, if willing to. The last time it happened was in April when WWE three a celebration for Triple H’s 25th anniversary in the company.

Arindam Pal

A WWE writer passionate about the sports.