Kayla Braxton
courtesy Twitter

One of the best things about WWE’s television shows has been Kayla Braxton, over the past few years. Her bubbliness while hosting a WWE show made her a popular figure especially after Renee Young departed the scene. It’s safe to say that Miss Kayla filled in the shoes of the former Canadian wrestling journalist.

The interesting relationship between Paul Heyman and Kayla Braxton on Smackdown TV also contributed to the popularity of the latter one. The journalist seems to be very happy to play her role in the WWE and at the same time, she is also very much straightforward when it comes to letting know her opinions to the fans.

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The Supreme Court ruling that overturned federally protected abortion rights has been the hottest topic of discussion around the United States. Fans and professional wrestlers have already talked against it. Kayla Braxton recently joined them by sharing her own story.

The Smackdown Lowdown host took to Twitter and shared her thoughts on the controversial matter. Then she also revealed that she is a product of a sexual assault and to date, she doesn’t know the identity of her father.

“I’ll also add – I am a product of rape. My mother was raped by a stranger – to this day, neither of us have any clue who my birth dad is. She chose to have me – clearly – but she did so because she CHOSE to. Not because a law told her she HAD to. It should always be our choice,” Kayla Braxton added.

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Kayla Braxton took courageous step to share her truth

Now, not every pro-wrestling fan is welcoming to accepting things in the way that matter is. So, Kayla Braxton did suffer backlash upon that announcement. In a follow-up tweet, she had to give a warning to the fans who came up with hatred or negative suggestions,

“You who keep messaging me to use Ancestry DNA to find my father, stop. It’s a shame that’s all you got out of my post yesterday, but stop.

Also – to those who made comments saying my mom was probs a liar and had a one night stand and called it rape, you better hope we never meet.”

No matter how she got into this world, it takes Kayla Braxton, a lot of courage to share the story behind it. Currently, with all these appearances with the WWE, she’s become a popular face on TV and some of the fans’ criticism won’t certainly change that fact.

Arindam Pal

A WWE writer passionate about the sports.