Kayla Braxton
courtesy Instagram

Kayla Braxton has been moving to a position where she can be considered to be the successor of Renee Young on WWE TV. A host was needed to fill the void on Friday Nights and Kayla is doing a great job. A lot of fans are thus following her on her Twitter account until a fiasco happened and she was in a position to shut it down for good.

Now it seems that the verified account wasn’t the only account she had. There were two accounts under the name of Kayla Braxton but only one could exist. The regular show host of the WWE tweeted out something hilarious to reveal that she actually had another Twitter account, but she hasn’t used it in years.

In fact, so much time had passed by that Kayla Braxton actually forgot the login credentials needed for her old account. So, she went to Twitter and reported her own account as fake so that the concerned authorities eventually remove it from the platform.

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“I had another Twitter account that I made in college. I noticed it still existed although I haven’t posted on it in years. I wanted to deactivate it but couldn’t figure out the login so I instead reported it to Twitter as an impersonation account. Twitter removed it.”

Kayla Braxton’s unique trick to deactivate Twitter account worked

It’s interesting to note that there’s always a “forgot password” option is available to restore the login credentials but the gorgeous WWE show-host had some other plans to deactivate her own account. It eventually worked out as she now also has an interesting story to share with the WWE Universe.

Now that Kayla Braxton’s trick worked, she only has one Twitter account. So for her fans, it is much easier to identify her as the real one with that mandatory blue tick mark popping by the Twitter handle’s side. This was definitely one of the out-of-the-box ideas that were less known.

Last year, Kayla Braxton left the Twitter platform, briefly as fans trolled her over testing positive with COVID-19, on two separate occasions. She also lost a near and dear one due to the virus and those trolls just didn’t seem right for her. Now she is over with the traumatic phase and remains active on Twitter.

Arindam Pal

A WWE writer passionate about the sports.