Mandy Rose
courtesy Twitter

Mandy Rose’s departure from the WWE by the end of last year was a shocker to the fans for different reasons. Firstly, she was the cornerstone figure of the NXT women’s division when the company released her and secondly, fans lost the opportunity to see such a gorgeous Diva like her on regular television.

As reported previously, Mandy Rose was let go from her WWE contract due to content she posted behind her premium content paywall. The surprising thing was that she was never let known about the reason in the first place. The former Golden Goddess was not even allowed to take down adultery content from the site before her WWE release.

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Many thought that Mandy Rose would quickly be hired by any other wrestling promotions following her WWE exit which wasn’t the case. Rather, she was focused on expanding the content-related service and getting some big fat paychecks. After staying away from pro wrestling for almost ten months now, the former champion from the WWE could be coming back to wrestling.

Mandy Rose often hosts Q&A sessions on social media for her fanbase. During one of the latest sessions, she was asked about her return to wrestling. In reply, she noted that she may not remain a free agent soon which was an indirect hint about getting hired by a promotion shortly.

“Funny you asked…. your girl may or may not be a free agent very soon,” she wrote.

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Mandy Rose is the third longest-reigning champion in WWE NXT history

Throughout the NXT 2.0 era, Mandy Rose was the top performer and Women’s Champion of the revamped brand which was being handled by Vince McMahon. Her title reign lasted for 413 days which eventually made her the third longest-reigning champion of the NXT history following Asuka and Shayna Baszler.

Many thought that WWE was building her up to eclipse the two predecessors but things suddenly changed as she lost her title to Roxanne Perez back in December last year on a regular episode. A day later, she was let go by the WWE and the move infuriated fans in a big way. That dedicated fanbase would be very happy to have her back onboard be it in the WWE or anywhere else on TV.

Arindam Pal

A WWE writer passionate about the sports.