Mandy Rose
courtesy Twitter

Mandy Rose was out for having some fun sessions while being away from in-ring action, last week during NXT 2.0 episode. However, her planning was ruined due to some horrible deeds conducted by her current rivals. Apparently, she tried to tone down the champion’s beauty quotient but remained unsuccessful.

As the reigning NXT Women’s Champion, Mandy Rose sits at the top of the roster and there’s no arguing that she’s ruling the division with Toxic Attraction providing her backup. As the champion of the third brand of the WWE, she has to put up some extra work where she can excel in competition as well as slay when it comes to her fashion games.

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During the NXT Spring Breakin’ special from last week, we saw a video of Mandy Rose going to a tanning salon. While she was in the tanning bed, Wendy Choo snuck in and stole her clothes, and changed the timer so that she got burnt. After the session was over, Toxic Attraction came to pick her up but they were terrified to see their leader in a burnt condition. Rose herself also shouted out after seeing her reflection.

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Mandy Rose promoted the upcoming WWE NXT 2.0 episode

However, the incident eventually turned out to be good for the former Golden Goddess as she took to Twitter and uploaded two mirror selfies in a super skimpy outfit. Mandy Rose was showing off her super-fit body that was literally glowing. Plus, she knows that the internet wrestling community always wants to get more of her, and hence she wanted to give the fans a treat.

“See I told y’all that burn was gonna turn into a nice glow.

Thanks @therealestwendy see ya tomorrow sweet cheeks! @wwenxt@usa_network 8pm EST,” Mandy Rose also promoted the upcoming episode of NXT 2.0 in style.

Speaking of the coming episode, WWE announced Natalya vs. Cora Jade as one of the headliners of the NXT 2.0 episode. A non-title match will be there where WWE NXT Women’s Tag Team Champions Gigi Dolin and Jacy Jayne of Toxic Attraction (with Mandy Rose) will take on Roxanne Perez and Wendy Choo.

The beginning of the NXT Women’s Breakout Tournament will also be there. The confirmed announced entrants for the tournament include Lash Legend, Nikkita Lyons, Tatum Paxley, Roxanne Perez, Fallon Henley, Arianna Grace, Sloane Jacobs, and Kianna James.

Arindam Pal

A WWE writer passionate about the sports.