Maria Kanellis
courtesy Instagram

Ring of Honor has confirmed that Maria Kanellis has returned to their promotion, after a gap of almost five long years. Before joining the WWE, she previously worked here from 2011 until 2015. In a released new video, in a Facebook group, it was also announced that fans will be able to make their voice heard.

Maria Kanellis is now back in the ROH, and she does have a major announcement to make. She spoke about how ROH has “cultivated an environment and the fans.” So, she wants the wrestlers to thrive and bring the fans the best set of actions they deserve.

Maria Kanellis Joining ROH After Leaving WWE

ROH The Experience is coming back this January and Maria Kanellis is one of the attractions as she makes her way back to the brand. As always, she wants her as well as fans’ voices to be heard, and Ring Of Honor will help to do it. The new Facebook group linked here describes The Experience as taking fan engagement “to an unprecedented level.” We’ll have to wait and see how ROH makes the event a success.

Maria Kanellis Goes On A Rant About WWE Not Protecting The Superstars

Here’s an excerpt of the announcement regarding The Experience,

“The Experience is not a singular event. It’s a movement. Fans are encouraged to join the ROH The Experience Facebook group to share their thoughts and opinions about all things ROH.

Which outside talents do you want to see in ROH? Which ROH stars should be getting title shots? What match stipulations do you want to see?

ROH wants you to #ChooseYourHonor.

Maria Kanellis-Bennett is leading the charge for The Experience. She made the announcement about the groundbreaking concept on ROH’s social media platforms.”

Maria Kanellis Kanellis, and her husband, Mike Bennett, were released from WWE in April of 2020 as the company did some business-related budget cuts to keep their profit margin, high. The business was put through a big test due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Since the release, there have been a lot of rumors about what the couple’s next destination could be.

Mike Bennett returned to ROH last month and picked up a victory with Matt Taven against Vincent and Bateman at the Final Battle event. After the match, Bennett took to Twitter and revealed that he has suffered an injury to his ankle. There’s no update on whether this is an actual or a kayfabe injury as he expects his wife Maria Kanellis to join his side within a few weeks.

Arindam Pal

A WWE writer passionate about the sports.