Professional Wrestlers' list Kamal
courtesy WWE

Every year, we lose a set of professional wrestlers as death is something inevitable. 2020 was an exceptional year though which arrived with a lot of pain and agonies. The world went through a never-before-seen pandemic that took away millions of lives. This forced us to enforce a lockdown throughout the world bringing a new normal upon us.

By all means, it was a very hard year for a lot of people if not the hardest. Full of tragedy, including many deaths of professional wrestlers have been witnessed. Some of them died due to age while some of them were victimized by the COVID-19 pandemic. Also, some tragic incidents took away the lives of younger talents of this industry which was the least expected.

We take a look back at those professional wrestlers whom we lost in 2020.

WWE And Professional Wrestlers’ List Who Died In 2020

Adam Bueller
Ares el Guerrero
Big Slam
Bob Armstrong
Bobby Lee aka Jon Huber aka Luke Harper
Brodie Lee
Danny Havoc
Danny Hodge
Dick Steinborn
Hana Kimura
Howard Finkel
Johnny Walker
Justice Pain
Karsten Beck
Kat LeRoux
Kazuo Sakurada
Kevin Greene
La Parka II
Mark Rocco
Mike Somaini
Mitch Ryder
Pampero Firpo
Pat Patterson
Principe Aereo
Rip Oliver
Road Warrior Animal
Rocky Johnson
Ryan Smile
Shad Gaspard
Steve Casey
Steve Gillespie
Sy Sperling
Sylvano Sousa
The Bruiser
Timothy Brooks
Tony Russo
Tracy Smothers
Wayne Bridges
Winona Littleheart
Zeus (Tom “Tiny” Lister)

Brodie Lee is the latest professional wrestler to leave the world in the last week of the year. The former Wyatt Family member and an Intercontinental Champion in WWE were suffering from lung disease. Following his WWE departure, he was expected to have an illustrious career in AEW but sadly he passed away in a heartbreak. It’s hard to believe that such a talented wrestler is no more with us.

Another tragedy happened with Shad Gaspard as the professional wrestler died while enjoying good times at a beachside. Following the lockdown period, he and his son were strolling at a seashore while a riptide hit them. He managed to save his son while the current took him down in the water. Later, coastal police found his body at the beach.

Another set of professional wrestlers cum legends like Pat Patterson, Bob Armstrong, Danny Hodge, Howard Finkle, Road Warrior Animal, Kamala, and more left the world in 2020. WWE was mostly saddened to learn Pat’s death who left his marks in the company’s backstage process, over the years.

Also, the tragic suicide of Hana Kimura is a must notable mention. The female professional wrestler was tired of cyber-bullying and chose the hardest path of sacrificing her life, perhaps trying to set an example. Following her death, demands have become stronger to stop those bullies with a strict action that is yet to be formed. REST IN PEACE.

Arindam Pal

A WWE writer passionate about the sports.