Ronda Rousey
courtesy Instagram

Ronda Rousey has just given birth to her little one and named her in a strange way. She’s not returning to the squared circle in the foreseen future but being a genetically superior athlete, she is making progress in her body, better than ever. 10 days following her baby’s delivery, the former WWE Raw Women’s Champion offered a set of photos showing her immense body progress which is pretty incredible.

As seen on Instagram, Ronda Rousey posted a couple of photos of her postpartum belly while noting that her recovery is ongoing, faster than expected. She also mentioned in an illustrious caption how her mother went back to training just 6 days after having her sister Maria. After six weeks to that day, she won the judo US Open.

Ronda Rousey is carrying her mother’s legacy

When she was pregnant with Ronda Rousey, she only gained 12 pounds. While the Baddest Woman on the Planet can’t beat those records, her body showing immense progress while going back to normalcy. Most importantly, the UFC Hall of Famer noted that she’s eager to go back to training sessions, as early as possible,

“My body seems to be recovering faster than I hoped, but I won’t really know if Pō tossed a grenade on the way out till my 6 week checkup. Since breaking both my hands and getting pregnant it feels like I lost a lifetime of muscle – it’s easy to get discouraged over all that lost progress – but if anything I’m looking forward to getting cleared to train again even more.”

Photos: Ronda Rousey Detailed Changes Around Her Body Due To Pregnancy

WWE Superstar Carmella noted on the photo of Ronda Rousey mentioning that she’s amazing while Zelina Vega reflected the same words, “You look amazing sis, you’re really awesome. Another pregnant WWE Superstar Lacey Evans cracked a joke about this amazing body saying, “Looorrrdddddd. What kinda post partum tea ya drinking?”

Ronda Rousey’s best buddy and former NXT Superstar Marina Shafir commented on the post saying, “Perfection! I can’t wait for your body to surprise the shit out of you and then out of nowhere you start tossing people all over the place.”

Ronda Rousey hasn’t been around WWE since WrestleMania 35 all-women main event match. Her hiatus was supposed to end a long time ago but it got stretched due to the pandemic as well as the pregnancy. Earlier this year, her contract with the WWE has reportedly expired but given that she’s willing to be back in training sessions, she could be having a comeback in mind.

Arindam Pal

A WWE writer passionate about the sports.