courtesy Twitter

Only a few can claim of having such a colorful career like Saraya Jade-Bevis Knight upon which a full-length feature film has been made in the past. The former WWE Superstar had her highs and lows in her career and personal life which she dealt with to come out as a better human being. With that, her fan following has increased by times.

Time and time again, Saraya has proven to everyone that she won’t let haters’ comments take over her accomplishments. A few years ago, she made it to the news while being in the WWE for all the wrong reasons as her private photos and videos were leaked online which led her to a suicidal stage in life.

At that point, Saraya went through depression because of that but friends and family dragged her through that phase. It’s been a long time since that mishap in 2017 but there are still many people who never fail to remind her of those stuff. The good part is that the current AEW wrestler has an even bigger fanbase to counter those negative comments.

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Saraya makes it to the top 10 most searched wrestlers’ list

As revealed by Wrestlenomics, the top 10 most searched wrestlers from August 2022 to July 2023 included Saraya and she didn’t let the opportunity be bygone by taking a shot to the haters. Taking to Twitter, the number 10 and the second-only entry on the list had the following to offer,

“She’s OnlY Up ThEre bEcAusE oF heR VideOs” nah bitch it’s been 6 years.. it’s because people are obsessed with talking about me. Good or bad I’m ALWAYS in the conversation. Hahahaha ? anyways. Watch Rampage tomorrow and see me kick Skye Blues ass and then watch me at Wembley.”

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Saraya always has time for destroying some disrespectful comments from the pessimist fans who mock her for her leaked tapes. Going by the current scenario, she should end up challenging Hikaru Shida for the AEW Women’s Title at AEW All In on August 27th in her home country of the United Kingdom. A win in that match would be an even bigger achievement in her career as she would capture a title in her career after almost a decade.

Arindam Pal

A WWE writer passionate about the sports.