Stephanie McMahon
courtesy Twitter

Stephanie McMahon is a force to be reckoned with, in or outside the WWE due to her all-around capabilities. She’s a professional wrestler cum head-honcho in the biggest pro wrestling league in the entire world. But more than that, she’s become an identity who often inspires female figures no matter how.

From the very beginning in the WWE, Stephanie McMahon has been involved in the process of cultivating fresh talents. But she was yet to become an authority figure back in the 90s when her colleagues used to treat her as regular talent. There has been an instance where former WWE Superstar Chyna once threatened her.

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For those who don’t know, Chyna was an incredible athlete in the WWE during her time in WWE in the late 90s. She found success in the company by winning the women’s title as well as the prestigious Intercontinental Title from the men’s division. She was one of the trailblazers who was breaking down several barriers for female wrestlers.

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Chyna was possibly betrayed by Triple H and Stephanie McMahon

For those who don’t know, Chyna used to be in a relationship with Triple H in the late 90s until Stephanie McMahon entered the scene, Triple H would eventually start dating Vince McMahon’s daughter at a point when he was yet to officially call it a quit with Chyna.

If backstage reports are to be believed then a lot of drama unfolded featuring the trio as Triple H and Stephanie McMahon’s love saga started blooming. This also ultimately resulted in Chyna’s exit from WWE. While speaking on Kliq THIS, WWE Hall of Famer Kevin Nash revealed Chyna’s reaction when she learned about the newly begun relationship.

Per the below comments of Nash, Chyna allegedly threatened to end Stephanie McMahon’s life after finding out the truth,

“There was some tension, I think. Joanie [Laurer] said she was going to end Stephanie’s life. It was fuc*ed up.”

Triple H and Stephanie McMahon remain the power couple of the WWE that everyone admires. Their power has even grown with the retirement of Vince McMahon in late July. As for Chyna, the late great will forever remain a pioneer who indirectly kept her contributions toward the Women’s Evolution in the WWE. It’ll be interesting to see whether she will be inducted into the WWE Hall Of Fame, ever.

Arindam Pal

A WWE writer passionate about the sports.