Stephanie McMahon, Aurora Rose, Murphy Claire, Vaughn Evelyn Levesque
Stephanie McMahon with her family.

Stephanie McMahon Passing Legacy to Daughters Murphy, Aurora and Vaughn Evelyn Levesque ∼ A very few could have thought that Stephanie McMahon could be the successor of her father, Vince McMahon.

However, she did it in style in an industry which was male-oriented all the way around. Now she can call herself to be the independent authority figure of the flagship show of the company. There’s nothing that could stop this lady to take WWE reaching new heights under her leadership in times to come.

Image Courtesy: WWE

We would try to give an overview of the so-called ‘dysfunctional’ family of the McMahon’s in this story. We have learned a lot about the founder of WWE and his life through WWE programming.

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Stephanie McMahon Passing Legacy to Daughters Murphy, Aurora and Vaughn Evelyn Levesque

Here we would like to focus on his daughter who is set to take the kingdom over. There’s only a little bit of delay before she transforms it to her own ‘Queendom’. Stephanie McMahon is the Chief Brand Officer for the WWE, originally. Her role as the commissioner of Monday Night Raw is just for a kayfabe purpose. She does not deal with the creative team for the angles shown on the TV screen. But being a brand officer puts tons of responsibility around her shoulder.

McMahon Family. Image Credits: Twitter

We have seen her representing WWE all around the world. WWE needs her first, be it TV shows like Raw or PPVs, Business summit, Media Calls, Red Carpet Events or Charity shows etc. What appears to be just managing a show for us is actually turns out to keeping everything right for a Million Dollar Company (or should we say Billion?) Imagine how tough her life would be, as she is a mother of three beautiful daughters.

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Stephanie McMahon Is An Expert In Handling Her Kids

Aurora Rose Levesque, Murphy Claire Levesque & Vaughn Evelyn Levesque are these three children that Stephanie McMahon has with Triple H. You can barely think of how hectic her schedule can be while managing these three.

NEW YORK, NY – AUGUST 21: WWE Chief Brand Officer Stephanie McMahon attends the Make-A-Wish celebration event for John Cena’s 500th Wish Granting Milestone at Dave & Buster’s Time Square on August 21, 2015, in New York City. (Photo by Rob Kim/Getty Images)

But the best part of her story is she handles it with quite an ease. She has managed to be a corporate lady on behalf of WWE using her mantra. No wonder we call her as a business entrepreneur nowadays. Some days, she might top her father, Vince McMahon when it comes to her visionary steps.

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Stephanie Is An On-Screen Star For WWE

Apart from her above-mentioned roles in WWE, she does have to appear on the TV screen on a regular basis. Here she plays a character of a bonafide heel person. Perhaps no woman in the history of the WWE could have been this much significant while playing her character. It would not be wrong if we say that Stephanie McMahon received this ability from her father. Vince McMahon used to be drunk with the powers back in the days. It was such an entertaining character that was an integral part of The Attitude Era.

Cut to 15 years later from then, WWE gave us the ‘Billion Dollar Princess’ who ushered eras like The Reality Era or The New Era. WWE kept Stephanie McMahon off from TV for a significant amount of time. It happened mostly during the PG Era where we have seen numerous show-runners playing the role of authority figures on Monday Night Raw.

courtesy WWE

But none have made the most significant impact as she did with Triple H starting from 2013. The Authority featuring Triple H, Stephanie McMahon, Big Show, Kane, Seth Rollins, J&J security would be one of the strongest factions that we ever had in the WWE. It was a reincarnation of the Corporation led by Vince himself. Stephanie’s cold-blooded acting on a weekly basis took the faction’s success to a whole new level.

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A Role Model For Other Women In The Wrestling Industry

It takes tremendous guts for a woman to make sure she plays a heel role and be the ambassador for Women Empowerment. We have not seen such a consistent performer in the WWE who did it more effectively than her. It proves the fact she has the McMahon gene written all over her.

Speaking of her families bring us to the three daughters present in the house. She has to ensure that Arora, Murphy and Vaughn Evelyn Levesque experience the normal childhood. She does not want them to feel like being part of the billionaire family. Either herself or Triple H ensure to drop children at school. There’s no better way to be better parents than doing these regular duties.

Also, Stephanie McMahon or her husband try to be at home for dinner. Sometimes it may not happen since they have to travel all over the world. But she ensures this happens to present herself to be a good mom. We can witnesses of the same from the social media pictures of the Raw commissioner.

Image Courtesy: WWE

Speaking of social media brings us to a mentionable fact. Stephanie McMahon does not want Murphy, Arora and Vaughn Evelyn Levesque to be out in public. They know curiosities are higher around these three around the pro-wrestling world. But for now, the proud momma does not want them to see the limelight at all. So we get to look the least of Murphy, Arora and Vaughn Evelyn Levesque.

However, Murphy, Arora and Vaughn Evelyn Levesque are much fond of WWE products. After all, they are carrying the McMahon genes within them. They probably watch each of the TV appearances of their mother on Monday Night Raw. Stephanie McMahon competed in one last singles contest at Summerslam 2014.

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Stephanie Has Been In The Thick Of The Action

Stephanie McMahon defeated Brie Bella on that night in Los Angeles, California. Murphy, Arora and Vaughn Evelyn Levesque were present at the backstage to experience the match from the venue itself.

We should provide some details about Murphy, Arora and Vaughn Evelyn Levesque in this context. Aurora Rose Levesque is the eldest one among them. She arrived on July 24th in 2006. Coincidentally, it happened in the time of Monday Night Raw live telecast. Vinnie McMahon was so happy that he could not resist giving the breaking news to the world via live TV.

He was back into his promoter mode, sooner with the arrival of her granddaughter. Apparently, he wanted to create a storyline with a pregnant Stephanie McMahon back in the last decade. But obviously, Steph was not happy about it. She shot down the idea right away, but then again there’s another reason why McMahon is famous for his genius mind.

Image Courtesy: Twitter

Furthermore, there are already talks going around of bringing Arora into the WWE storyline process. Going by their nature, she might not have any problem whatsoever. Plus their mother started to help out the company in smaller ways at her age. But the first couple of WWE has not allowed their elder daughter to enter the world of wrestling.

Murphy Claire Levesque came to the world on July 28th in 2008. She is the second of the three daughters who have just become ten-years-old a few days ago. Stephanie McMahon mentioned a number of times that Murphy too wants to be a star in the WWE.

Friends of Murphy, Arora and Vaughn Evelyn Levesque watch their parents playing heel roles on live TV. Children can’t judge the kayfabe part of the WWE programming. They take things in a literal manner all the time. So she feels their friends can bully them at school. Here are comments from the conscious mom, (courtesy,

“Our kids, life is going to be a little different for them given that their parents are on TV, and it’s something that I lived through and grew up with as well, but bullying happens, no matter who you are. They are a little more targeted because they are children of celebrities.”

Vaughn Evelyn Levesque Is A Tad Competitive

Vaughn Evelyn Levesque is the youngest of the three daughters. Vaughn Evelyn Levesque saw the light of the world on August 24th in 2010. Stephanie McMahon revealed Vaughn Evelyn Levesque’s enthusiasm to be a WWE superstar at a sports conference.

She had a ‘match’ with Vaughn Evelyn Levesque who wanted to do a WWE kind of entrance. So her mom had to act as the announcer for her while she made her entrance with a Katy Perry song. Additionally, McMahon also mentioned one valid point she has to bring up her girls with much sensitivity.

Later, Stephanie let Vaughn Evelyn Levesque meet her idol, Katy Perry at backstage during a show. It happened on the child’s birthday that made her day really special. Stephanie McMahon later posted a photo of the meet on her Instagram account pointing out that she can do anything for their children’s benefit.

Vaughn Evelyn Levesque. Image Credits: Twitter

Triple H asserted in an interview about how tough it is for his wife to be the mother of three children. He compared the life of Stephanie McMahon from a family and business standpoint.

As a father, he chose the mother’s job to be tougher, (courtesy,

“No matter what in her life, the most important job is the mom. if she had to drop everything else right now, it wouldn’t even be a question.”

But, as we have noted earlier in this story that Stephanie McMahon excelled her job so well. She has already spent 12 years of motherhood in her life. So it should not be any big challenge for her to control Murphy, Arora and Vaughn Evelyn Levesque.

Speculations About The Three Daughters Always On The Rise

Numerous interview hosts asked the former Women’s Champion about whether Murphy, Arora and Vaughn Evelyn Levesque will join WWE in the future or not. As a true leader of this women’s revolution, she gave an assertive answer to it. Right now, there are far better opportunities for the women’s division in WWE from ten years ago.

Triple H. Image Credits: Twitter

Time has changed during this entire time when women can set up main events or their own PPV shows too. So Murphy, Arora and Vaughn Evelyn Levesque can choose their career path as per their wish. Here are the comments from Stephanie McMahon regarding the future of her daughters, (courtesy ESPN),

“I grew up with a very strong role model in my mom, [Linda McMahon], who was the CEO of WWE and I never thought women couldn’t do anything. I never thought gender was a barrier but that wasn’t reality at that time. Now there are so many more opportunities for women, and it’s absolutely imperative to me as a mother for my three daughters to know they can be anything in this world that they want to be as long as they believe in themselves and they’re willing to work hard for it.”

These are heartfelt words from a woman who felt like a ’Diva’ during her in-ring career. She had to go through in her career in a time when showing skin much more relevant work than performing inside the ring. This is why she has been the backbone of the era which we like to call as the empowered Women’s Division. Quite often we see her standing by ringside during historic NXT, or the main roster women’s division matches owing to this reason.

WWE women can really feel safe for being under the wings of the Raw commissioner. And so can Murphy, Arora and Vaughn Evelyn Levesque, as they have their super-woman momma watching their back. No matter how many women come and go there will be only one ‘Queen of the Queendom’ in WWE. Her name is Stephanie McMahon who knows no bound to protect her family legacy.

Arindam Pal

A WWE writer passionate about the sports.

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