Stone Cold-Bret Hart
courtesy WWE

WWE often loves to bring back legendary names on their programming as they do help to pull up the ratings, a lot. Hall of Famers “Stone Cold” Steve Austin and Bret Hart could soon be scheduled to show up on the flagship program on the same purpose. Besides, they would get involved in a different promotional altogether while appearing on the show.

Going by the old school WWE, Stone Cold and Bret Hart share some illustrious history together and the fans would like to see them back, together. They are apparently scheduled to come “face to face” in a ring, next year or so. But this time around, they won’t be featuring in a WWE storyline. Rather, it will be for a different reason.

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Stone Cold-Bret Hart Face-Off Segment Scheduled To Happen In WWE

According to the reports of Brad Shepard, Stone Cold and Bret Hart will work together for the QPW SuperSlam 3 event in March 2021 in Qatar during their in-ring segment. They will be discussing their legendary rivalry from back in the days when WWE used to be World Wrestling Federation. So the two former champions will give a preview of the same while appearing on WWE TV.

It should be noted that QPW (Qatar Pro Wrestling) often uses former WWE wrestlers or legends at their events. Former WWE Champion and hardcore legend Rob Van Dam competed in the main event of QPW SuperSlam 2, earlier this year and picked up an injury. The pro-wrestling circuit of the middle east country is fond of the old school WWE superstars and they often use them on special occasions.

Stone Cold is one of the most popular characters that was created by WWE who is a sure-shot crowd puller wherever he goes. The last time he and Bret Hart shared the same ring was back in 2010. The former franchise player of WWE was officiating things on a contract signing session for a WrestleMania match between McMahon and Hart.

Speaking of Hart, WWE is not on good terms with the all-time great superstar. He showed up on the All Elite Wrestling program while unveiling their world championship belt. Vince McMahon was said to be irate about the fact that Bret shook hands with WWE’s rival brand. As for Stone Cold, WWE is planning to throw a celebration on the occasion of 25 years of his WWE debut. It will go down only after the fans start attending shows, again.

Arindam Pal

A WWE writer passionate about the sports.