Deonna Purrazzo
courtesy X

After her initial failure in the WWE, Deonna Purrazzo was all disheartened and had doubts over the continuation of her professional wrestling career. Thankfully, she had TNA/Impact Wrestling to bring her under its banner and make her the new knockout champion when she wasn’t even under a bound contract. This led to the birth of ‘The Virtuosa’ in the professional wrestling industry who’s become a star power.

Upon arriving in All Elite Wrestling, Deonna Purrazzo is eyeing more in her career but surely, she hasn’t forgotten the initial days that led her to this circuit in the first place. It appears that if it wasn’t for her twin brother watching wrestling when she was nine years old, she might not have picked up an interest in this genre.

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While speaking on the Talk Is Jericho podcast, Deonna Purrazzo pointed out the moment when she started growing love about wrestling moves. She admittedly watched Jericho hitting someone on the head with a chair which raised curiosity in her about learning more about the business,

“My brother says I ruined wrestling for him because I then became obsessed. I saw the women do it and [thought], ‘If I learned how to do that, I think that I could be good [one day] and then I just never grew out of that.'”

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Deonna Purrazzo on how she learned the basics of wrestling

It was essentially noted by Deonna Purrazzo that wanting to learn and getting the opportunity to do so are two very different realities. Though Purrazzo found a wrestling school that accepted growing a passion and fulfilling it is something pretty different. Although she had a school within driving distance from her New Jersey home, her parents weren’t ready to allow her to go into a physical sport like this. Things changed for her after showing a little bit of patience.

Moving on in the community college, Deonna Purrazzo noticed a VFW hall with a sign that said, “Live Pro Wrestling: The first Friday of every month” which led to a pro-wrestling school right there. This also led to her first match against a local wrestler named Jana at an event called D2W Season’s Beatings 4 in Wharton, New Jersey in December 2013,

“I was terrified. All my friends were going to be there and I was super emotional so I cried for three days beforehand. I just felt like, if this is what I worked pretty much my whole life for, this is what I always said I was gonna do, this is my defining moment, if I’m not good at it, then what did I work all this time for?”

Deonna Purazzo further credited a background in athletics such as cheerleading, track, and gymnastics for providing her the basic help she needed in pro-wrestling. She still is working on herself to be a better wrestler.

Arindam Pal

A WWE writer passionate about the sports.