Top 10 shameful Stephanie McMahon moments
Top 10 shameful Stephanie McMahon moments

Comparing WWE’s steroid scandal to 9/11 incident

September 11, 2001 attack on the World Trade Center in New York City is perhaps the most tragic event in the history of terrorist attacks. WWE was about to tape one episode of Smackdown on that day. But they have pushed it back in an edition that witnessed superstars paying tributes to the victims and their family.

Stephanie McMahon appeared in one of those segments to compare the attack to that of the USA Govt. accusing her father of illegal steroid issue. Check out her comments,

“A few years ago, some people tried to destroy my family. They attacked my father’s reputation, they attacked my mother’s reputation, and they attacked the World Wrestling Federation. They tried to rip us apart…but all they did was make my family stronger. And that’s exactly how America feels right now. Because on Tuesday, America was attacked. Because America is a united nation. And together, we stand strong. I am incredibly proud to be an American citizen, and I will stand up for my rights and my freedom.”

Nearly 3000 people were dead in the tragic 9/11 incident which Stephanie was referring to Govt. finding her father guilty in giving banned steroids to wrestlers. Now we do understand that she was mad at the whole situation to the then charge but such distasteful comparison makes this a sure-shot entry to the list of top 10 shameful Stephanie McMahon moments in WWE.

Arindam Pal

A WWE writer passionate about the sports.