Money in the Bank
courtesy WWE

Randy Orton cashes in on Daniel Bryan after Summerslam 2013 main event

The kick-off of The Authority storyline that ruled the roost of the WWE for years to follow was ensured with this Money in the Bank cash-in. In a solid outing, Daniel Bryan defeated John Cena to win his first WWE World Heavyweight Champion in the main event of Summerslam 2013 but his victory moment lasted for only a few minutes.

Firstly, the match referee Triple H turned heel by delivering a Pedigree on Bryan, and then secondly, Randy Orton cashed in his Money in the Bank contract to become the right-hand man of The Authority faction as the new world champion. Dual heel-turns are rare on WWE programming and this was one of those rare moments which indeed shook the core of the WWE’s landscape.

Arindam Pal

A WWE writer passionate about the sports.