Torrie Wilson
courtesy WWE

Torrie Wilson was a pleasant surprise entry to the 2021 Royal Rumble match. It is always good to see the Attitude and Ruthless Aggression Era Superstars on TV for the present generation especially someone like her. Although there was not much to do for her in the match, the presence of the WWE Hall of Famer is something undeniable.

Fans were very happy to see her which appeared to be a big surprise for them. As for Torrie Wilson, it was a sweet homecoming, but she almost missed the experience.

While speaking to WWE The Bump, Torrie Wilson admitted that she apparently ‘second-guessed’ her 2021 Royal Rumble appearance. She then showed up and saw a familiar face she never expected to see and that’s Victoria who also returned on WWE TV after a gap of more than a decade.

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The two were friends even before entering the world of professional wrestling. So that was quite the reunion that she never had expected in the first place and this brought tears to her eye.

“First of all, I didn’t know Victoria was going to be there. [When] I saw her… we’re really good friends way before we got into wrestling. When I saw her, I started crying. I couldn’t believe she was there; she’s so awesome. I was excited that she got her moment to just kick some butt in there,” Torrie Wilson stated.

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“You know, it was really cool to be in there with a lot of those NXT girls. I feel almost unworthy to be in the ring with them. It’s so cool to see how not only good performers but good athletes, of course. Then there’s Charlotte Flair. I didn’t even realize I was going to be in the ring with Charlotte Flair. Being able to beat her up on the sidelines was a little treat.” (Quotes courtesy Wrestling Inc)

Torrie Wilson says Royal Rumble 2021 was second-guessing for her

Torrie Wilson didn’t show any type of ring rust despite being away from the ring for such a long time. As for Victoria, she was on a rampage since entering the match. Perhaps this was the last time that these two old friends have shared the ring, together. So, 2021 Royal Rumble certainly gave both of them a homecoming opportunity as well as a memorable moment.

Also for Torrie Wilson, performing inside the ThunderDome for the first time was quite surreal. She applauded how WWE created this virtual watch along for fans around the world. WWE Host Kayla Braxton asked Wilson if she envisioned herself in the Rumble after her appearance on “Legends Night” on Monday Night Raw. The former Playboy Cover Girl admitted that she, at first did not see herself participating in the match.

Arindam Pal

A WWE writer passionate about the sports.