WWE News: Jinder Mahal Possibly Ending Partnership with Singh Brothers 1

Last week on Smackdown Live, we have witnessed AJ Styles competing in a handicap match. He went on against the two Singh Brothers on the show. As expected, Jinder Mahal was present at the ringside to assist them during the contest. So, he went for a relentless attack on the WWE Champion even before the match started.

A hurt AJ Styles was forced to compete in the scheduled match. But, being the phenomenal performer that he is, it took merely some minutes to take control of the match and beat the two opponents. He connected with his pendant move; Styles Clash off the second rope on both the Singh Brothers to emerge victoriously on the show.

Jinder Mahal was furious following this victory by his Clash of Champions opponent. He wanted to deliver an attack on the champion, but Styles decided to retreat after the match. Hence, to deliver a statement to the champion, he targeted his own two partners.

The Modern-day Maharaja connected with his finishing manoeuvre, the Cobra-Clutch Slam better known as The Khallas on the duo to surprise the fans. Ever since his rise as the WWE Champion, these two stood beside the Maharaja, all the time. But, the former champion is not supposedly happy with the momentum not being on his side, for now.

So, he dared to attack his companions leading to the rumours that they are splitting up. Singh Brothers signed a WWE deal to help Jinder Mahal during his title reign. Now that the title run is over, their job is supposedly over. So, going forward, they might not be seen on Smackdown Live, anymore.

Previously, in an interview with Chris Jericho in his podcast, Talk is Jericho, the brothers from India stated that all good things must come to an end hinting their time is probably limited in the WWE. Check out the quotes, here,

“Right now, we understand our spot. We’ve got to bump well. We’ve got to sell well obviously, we’ve got to realize that the lifespan of something like this is not forever. We were brought up [to the main roster] for a specific reason, to help Jinder.

And eventually, it’s going to be ‘you guys have to part with him.’ It’s going to happen, so for us, we know we have that Bollywood thing in the back pocket. Its kind of like it could be brand spanking new. It [has] never been done on cable television.”

Arindam Pal

A WWE writer passionate about the sports.

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