WWE News: Big Update On When Brock Lesnar Is Returning To WWE TV 1
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Brock Lesnar is a bonafide superstar in the pro-wrestling circuit whom we often dub as the biggest box office attraction present, out there. Most of the big-four pay-per-view events of WWE programming do have him in the main events. This has been the norm ever since he returned to the company in 2012 who featured as a special attraction representing the WWE brand.

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Vince McMahon values the marquee status of Brock Lesnar to a big extent and does not hesitate to issue the paychecks with biggest amounts to him. Despite the part-time stint that this superstar has, he draws perhaps the biggest salary paychecks, every year. This year would not be any different as we expect him to resurface on TV, real quick.

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The current WWE advertisements show that Brock Lesnar will be present at SmackDown 20th Anniversary show on October 4th. This will also be the blue brand’s big debut on the FOX Network which takes place at the Staples Center in Los Angeles, California. Brad Shepard reports on the Oh, You Didn’t Know Patron that Lesnar could return even sooner.

The reliable source stated that WWE may bring back Brock Lesnar in the WWE before October 4th,

“According to a source in WWE, Brock Lesnar is expected to return to WWE TV very soon – as in, pre-SD on FOX.”

It will be interesting to see how WWE might use Brock Lesnar whether he returns before SmackDown’s Fox debut. But inserting him on the Friday night show could act as an automatic rating booster, no matter what.

Clash of Champions takes place on this Sunday night where some of the speculations suggest that Brock Lesnar could also be in attendance on the pay-per-view show. He could seek retribution to Seth Rollins who took the Universal title away from him. But the chances to see the same are low at this point.

WWE may not start the same rivalry once again which we have already seen, earlier this year. In 2019, Seth Rollins defeated Brock Lesnar on two different occasions, Wrestlemania and Summerslam that might have already marked the end of the beast on the flagship show. He will now be part of SmackDown Live in fresh feuds.

Arindam Pal

A WWE writer passionate about the sports.