WWE News: Huge Wrestlemania 35 Title Match Cancelled For Jeff Hardy 1
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Jeff Hardy is a veteran in the pro-wrestling circuit who came back in the WWE in 2017. It was on March 1st that he signed a contract with the Vince McMahon owned promotion. It was a two-year deal that was coming to an end this year. WWE was always willing to extend the deal with this veteran that could give a big push to him.

Check out the details of Hardy Boyz WWE contract coming to an end

But a slight hesitation caused him to get a major match at Wrestlemania 35. He lost the huge push as well in the form of a prime title match at the biggest event of the year. Quite often WWE creative team does not go along with a plan for a particular superstar is he is willing to leave the company. Even AJ Styles might have lost his WWE title owing to that same reason.

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Jeff Hardy has also suffered the same consequence as per the recent reports. As stated by The Dirty Sheets, Jeff Hardy was reluctant to sign a new contract with WWE. This caused him a major Wrestlemania match against Daniel Bryan. These two were likely to go at each other over the WWE Championship.

WWE had long-term planning over the title that is as follows, (via wwfoldschool.com)

“WWE’s original plan for WrestleMania 35 was for Daniel Bryan to turn heel on AJ Styles and capture the WWE Title. However, with this exact thing being done last year on SmackDown Live, WWE planned a new match for WrestleMania 35: Daniel Bryan (c) vs. Jeff Hardy for the WWE Championship.”

The source added that Jeff Hardy was involved in a feud with Samoa Joe owing to that same reason. He was about to come out victorious in it and then go on to the WWE Championship picture. Originally, he lost the feud and might not receive any significant storyline heading into Wrestlemania 35.

Matt Hardy also was in a dilemma while signing a new contract with WWE. He suffered a severe injury back in mid-2018 that almost ended his wrestling career. Following a live event, he went record to hint that it was perhaps the last time that he’s competing in a WWE ring. Thankfully, it turned out to be wrong.

The Hardy Boyz are back as a tag team just prior to Wrestlemania 35. Surprisingly, WWE brought them back to Smackdown rather than Monday Night Raw. Now that they are competing as a duo, it is likely that WWE creative team will use them in the tag team scenario. As for now, they will stay in the WWE for one more year, at least.

Arindam Pal

A WWE writer passionate about the sports.