WWE News: Is Lana’s Body ‘90% Enhanced’ As Claimed By A WWE Superstar? 1
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WWE superstar Lana has gone back to being a manager for the team of Rusev and Shinsuke Nakamura on Smackdown Live. She always wanted to be a WWE wrestler. But the creative team does not want to see her more in competition except for needed occasions. She is rather doing okay in the role of a Ravishing Russian gimmick accompanying her husband to the ring. In a recent Twitter conversation, a superstar claimed something big on her body.

There’s no doubt that Lana is one of the most beautiful ladies present in the WWE locker room. Millions of admirers follow her on social media all over the world making her one of the most celebrated WWE superstars. But going by the words of Aleister Black, Lana has a ‘90% enhanced’ body. Well, we do not have enough claims to prove his point but he also came up with a follow-up to wipe out chances of body-shaming.

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WWE News: Is Lana’s Body ‘90% Enhanced’ As Claimed By A WWE Superstar?

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Twitter has become the latest war-field for the WWE superstars. Lana went ahead to call out Aleister Black on social media. He stated that the current NXT import is no-good on the main roster and nor does his partner, Ricochet. The Dutch Destroyer decided to fire back indicating that Lana might have taken help of plastic surgeries to look more beautiful.

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A fan was quick enough to point out that he might be crossing limits while talking to a woman. So Aleister Black clarified his comments saying,

“Body shaming? Oh no my easily triggered fake outraged friend, I am calling on the paradox that is a person that wishes to do what she wants to do to her physique telling another person that wants to do to his physique that he is insecure for doing so. Pot and kettle.”

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Lana has been a part of Total Divas for the past few seasons. We have not heard anything of augmentations programs performed on her body. But being a WWE superstar could have insider knowledge around her co-star. Rusev’s wife did not want to comment further on this issue that is an indirect hint that Black may be right.

Arindam Pal

A WWE writer passionate about the sports.