WWE News: Paige Opened Up About Her Issues With Drugs 1

For the better part of last year, Paige remained to feature on the headlines of pro-wrestling. But, it was not due to her association with WWE or doing something incredible inside the ring. But, rather, she was involved in all kinds of wrong moves at that time that brought her to the public attention.

During the beginning of last year, she got into a relationship with Alberto Del Rio from where all the mishaps began for her. WWE warned her from staying away with the Mexican Aristocrat. But, being in love, she was in no condition to listen to all of that and suffered multiple wellness policy violations. At one point, it was also speculated that she might have even addicted to drugs.

In recent time, Paige has featured in an interview with Lilian Garcia on her podcast to open up about a plenty of things. She admitted that the drug-issue affected her life at an early stage. She was yet to be an adult woman when she started to take such medicines. It’s not that she liked those banned things, but due to addiction, she was forced to take all of those. In the following quotes, she explained the real situation,

“I literally had like a 2005 Britney Spears meltdown, I was so close to shaving my head. I just got wrapped up in drinking and like I wanted to drink some more, so I would do that kind of stuff. I just got so wrapped up in the party lifestyle, and I just wanted to be cool.

I finally had a bunch of friends that liked me, but they don’t really like you. They’re just like ‘Oh cool, you’re spending money on us.’ So that was pretty much it. I just felt good that I felt free, that I was reliving a childhood I never had. I was hanging with people I never thought I could never hang with before, with all these stars that I got to meet.”

Paige also addressed her much-anticipated return to the WWE after a lot of turmoil in life. She thanked all of her fans for being there all the time who kept her inspiring. The former champion mentioned how the fans tag her in some motivating posts on the social media that kept her ongoing in the career. Coming back to the WWE, she wants to reach the top and become the champion, once again. She has set a goal for him, and that is to become a WWE Hall of Famer, someday.

Arindam Pal

A WWE writer passionate about the sports.

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