WWE News: Reason Behind The Fiend Attacking Kane On Raw 1
courtesy WWE

The Demon from the depths of hell was back on WWE programming during the main event of this week’s Raw. It was Kane who showed up to save Seth Rollins from a beatdown from the Club members and the Raw tag team champions. He was successful in shoving the heels of the ring and stand tall. But the night did not end well courtesy of the new resident monster of the WWE.

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After taking out all the heels, Kane was about to do his signature double-handed downward thrust that would have set off the fire from the turnbuckles. We have seen these on uncountable occasions that sent chills through our spine. But this time around, the pyro did not go up due to some technical error. It was an intentional move to showcase that The Fiend Bray Wyatt took control of the show.

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The Fiend appeared behind the WWE veteran Kane to make him the next prey. He applied the Mandible Claw on Kane as the latter one had to lay down on his back, a few seconds later. The show ended with The Fiend staring down Rollins in the corner whereas Kane was lying in the middle of the ring, unconsciously.

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Dave Meltzer let the reason know on the Wrestling Observer Radio for the sudden return that Kane had on Raw. WWE creative team allowed him to beat up the heels, The OC, Ziggler, and Roode that made him look strong. This, in turn, portrayed The Fiend Bray Wyatt as the strongest superstar on the roster who destroyed another scary demon. Here’s more from Meltzer in this appearance of Kane,

“I actually liked that (the Kane segment) because it was fun all the way across and then at the end he does that big thing and when he was doing it, I was kind of getting mad because it’s kind of like it’s the freaking mayor and he’s beating up every freaking heel and he’s the retired guy beating up all the heels, but it was all to set up Bray Wyatt at the end and Bray Wyatt is the main event heel on the next PPV and I thought that was actually really well done. I didn’t like that at all but it was to build up. I mean it was, in the end, to make him strong so when Wyatt took him down, the whole thing is trying to make Wyatt into a monster.”

Meanwhile, this was not the only segment that Kane featured on this week’s Monday Night Raw that took place in Knoxville, Tennessee. Being the mayor of the city, he took R-Truth to the Vols Stadium for a tour to become the new 24/7 Champion in a pre-taped segment. However, Truth rolled him back to get back his title after sometimes though forcing Kane to go back in his demon avatar.

Arindam Pal

A WWE writer passionate about the sports.