WWE News: Ronda Rousey Breaks Silence On Wrestlemania Main Event For Women 1
courtesy WWE.com

Women’s roster in the WWE is having the best time at this time. A lot of ‘first-ever’ things are happening in their favor to elevate their level. The process of this change started a couple of years ago that crossed a lot of hurdles. After that, we have seen the unthinkable becoming a reality i.e. the Evolution PPV event. Only women superstars were part of this history-making show.

Who is Ronda Rousey’s dream opponent for Wrestlemania?

We could not even imagine such an event a couple of years ago. From that extent, the female roster of the WWE developed a lot. After Evolution PPV, one final stop is waiting for them and that is the Wrestlemania main event. Women’s Evolution will have a culmination once they can capture this spotlight.

Ronda Rousey to star in Total Divas?

Current speculations suggest that there’s a huge chance of seeing this in 2019. The primary reason behind this is the presence of Ronda Rousey on the WWE roster. She is also the women’s champion who eyes to carry it all the way until the biggest event of the year finally arrives. Probably, the creative team of the WWE wants that to happen, too.

So does Ronda Rousey thinks the same way? She was a guest on the PWI Podcast with Al Castle and Dan Murphy and opened up on a myriad of topics including the Wrestlemania main event. As per her, this is the right time to let it happen. Being humble, she clarified that it does not necessarily involve her in the marquee match. Here’re are her comments, (courtesy wrestlingINC.com)

“I would love to be one of the first women to headline WrestleMania. But that’s something that is completely out of my control and so I’m not going to invest any of my happiness in whether that happens or not. If it does happen, I’ll be like, “Hell yes, this is amazing! Let’s go women! Woohoo!” But I’m not going to be, like, crying at home for weeks because I didn’t get to headline WrestleMania.”

Ronda Rousey continued saying that it’s also time that male and female stars should share fifty percent of each show that WWE holds. It will not be awkward to think, according to her,

“I would just like to see women represent 50% of the roster and 50% of every card.”

Hopefully, a time occurs when women can accomplish this down the road. As for now, they can start gearing up to capture the Wrestlemania main event spot, next year.

The constant main-eventer, Roman Reigns will be absent from the scene for the grandest stage of the year. This makes the scene wide open for the other superstars. Officials could hand the final match of the evening to somebody else from the male division or the female stars. There’s a good chance to seeing Ronda Rousey vs. Charlotte Flair on this slot, as per current planning.

Arindam Pal

A WWE writer passionate about the sports.

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