WWE News: The Undertaker & Kane Attack Shawn Michaels & Triple H On WWE Raw 1
courtesy WWE.com

The storyline angle between Undertaker and Triple H for Super Show Down have been interesting. They are building this one last match between them to the fullest. Shawn Michaels is the one who came out a few weeks ago to confront the Deadman to give a strong message. But The Undertaker called him out from retirement to make things exciting on WWE Raw. In the midst of all these, HBK decided to come back on WWE Raw for one more occasion.

Last night’s episode of WWE Raw witnessed the Hall of Famer resurfacing in Seattle, Washington for one last Super Show Down hype. The crowd gave him a standing ovation while he made his iconic entrance. But there was a feeling in the air that something chilly would happen other than just verbal promo. Well, we received even more than that on the main event segment.

Shawn Michaels tried to take the side of Triple H favoring him for the Super Show Down event. He warned Kane not to take anything stupid in between the match while standing in the corner of Undertaker. If he does so then a Sweet Chin Music will be waiting for him. The new Mayor of Knoxville, Tennessee seemed least careful about those comments.

The infamous music of Kane hit WWE Raw as he appeared right behind Shawn Michaels. He delivered an uppercut to his throat before the gong hit the arena. The Undertaker showed up inside the ring and signaled for a Tombstone Piledriver. Triple H had to come out to save his friend from a massacre. So he ran down to the ring only to feel the combined wrath of the Brothers of Destruction.

Shawn Michaels was down inside the ring as Triple H faced a two-on-one scenario. Undertaker did not have much trouble to hit a mammoth chokeslam on his Super Show Down opponent. Kane hit another one chokeslam on a bald-headed Shawn Michaels. They were leaving the ring but Undertaker decided to head back to deliver a bold statement.

He picked up Triple H for a Tombstone Piledriver and hit it successfully to stand tall. The crowd on WWE Raw was shivering from what they were witnessing in front of their eyes. The Brothers from the depth of hell were back onboard, stronger than ever. Undertaker and Kane went for their iconic pose to end WWE Raw in an emphatic note.

Arindam Pal

A WWE writer passionate about the sports.

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