24/7 Championship
24/7 Championship-courtesy Youtube

WWE introduced the new 24/7 Championship on Monday Night Raw this week through the presence of Mick Foley. Presence of the Hall of Famer meant to be something big for the fans who were not overall happy with the inauguration of the title. In case you remember, the segment on WWE Raw, fans booed when Mick declared the name of the new title.

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A fan recently opined on the social media about the 24/7 Championship which Mick Foley noticed. The legend took the blame upon himself stating that it was he who had the short promo before the unveiling that failed to attract the fans. So the blame should go to him and not the 24/7 Championship, itself. However, there’s an additional reason, as well.

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Mick Foley himself admitted that the fans expected the revelation of the Hardcore Championship instead of the 24/7 Championship. It is true since the IWC was buzzing about the return of the old school belt that has the same defending rules with the new title. So the announcement in Raw did neither live up to the expectations nor did the design of the 24/7 Championship belt.

But WWE still found a way to insert the title into the programming which will be present on Raw, Smackdown or even NXT. There’s a big reason why Vince McMahon approved the title for the main roster as well as the developmental territory. Brad Shepard of the Oh, You Didn’t Know Podcast has some backstage news on it.

Keeping the jobbers happy will be the main concern in the company with the inauguration of this title. The lost mid-carders will also be appearing on TV in a significant way through this new 24/7 Championship. Here’s more from the source,

“This was a jobber title to give those guys something to do’. They know the crowd was flat as hell for the introduction of the title and said they couldn’t blame them.”

WWE already had three holders for the 24/7 Championship as seen on Raw and Smackdown. Titus O’Neil was the first winner followed by Robert Roode. Later R-Truth won from him at the backstage area and holding it since then to make it relevant.

Arindam Pal

A WWE writer passionate about the sports.