NXT Deadline 2024
courtesy WWE

Oba Femi returned to WWE television at the NXT Deadline 2024 premium live event last night, and he’s coming straight at the NXT Championship. In a whirlwind situation, Femi appeared to be a surprise participant in the Men’s Iron Survivor Challenge contest at the PLE and ended up winning the bout.

The opening match of NXT Deadline 2024 featured the Men’s Iron Survivor Challenge to determine the new Number-One Contender for the NXT Championship at New Year’s Evil and Oba Femi (3) defeated Wes Lee (1), Je’Von Evans (2), Nathan Frazer (1), and Ethan Page (2) to grab a title shot.

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NXT Deadline 2024: Oba Femi puts up a dominant performance

In the match at NXT Deadline 2024, Femi scored a pinfall over Je’Von Evans, and then he chokeslamm-ed Wes Lee and Nathan Frazer, pinning them both to earn three points overall. In the finishing sequence of the match, Evans laid out Femi with a springboard cutter in an attempt to tie the third point but he wasn’t able to get the cover as time ran out. Thus, Femi became the number-one contender for the NXT Championship.

Originally, Eddy Thorpe qualified on last Tuesday’s episode of NXT in what was a last-chance fatal-4-way match also featuring Cedric Alexander, Axiom, and Lexis King. But, at the end of the show, he is attacked by a mysterious person. Right before NXT Deadline 2024 pre-show began, NXT GM Ava announced that Femi would be a replacement for Thorpe.

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Soon after the win at NXT Deadline 2024, Femi also sent a message to the reigning champion of NXT saying that he’s coming for the gold irrespective of the fact whoever remains the champion in the early phase of 2025,

“Now I’ll be challenging for the NXT Championship, and boy I have been waiting for this opportunity. Whoever it is, whether it is Trick, whether its Ridge and god I hope it’s Trick, I am coming for you.”

In one of the main events of NXT Deadline 2024, Trick Williams (c) defeated Ridge Holland to retain the NXT Championship and it seems like his next title defense will come against Oba Femi in the first week of 2025 at the NXT New Year’s Evil yearly tradition as confirmed by NXT GM Ava during last night’s PLE.

Arindam Pal

A WWE writer passionate about the sports.