courtesy WWE

2022 WWE Hall of Famer Rick Steiner has been kidnapped by WWE NXT Superstars Joe Gacy and Harland in the latest episode of NXT. The post-Stand & Deliver edition of NXT 2.0 saw new NXT Champion Bron Breakker retaining his title over Gunther via clean pinfall.

Once the match was over, Breakker stood tall with WWE NXT Title as the show was about to end. Steiner suddenly appeared on the big screen and addressed him by his real name, “Bronson!”

Rick congratulated Breakker on his title win, this past Saturday and made him proud. The camera then zoomed out as Rick was spotted being held in a cage, tied up. Gacy appeared and said he had been telling Breakker how family was everything.

WWE NXT 2.0 Results (05/04/22): Fallouts From Stand And Deliver 2022

Harland arrived with a chain in his hands as Gacy then said that they intend to teach this old dog some new tricks. Harland smacked the cage with his chain while Gacy covered the camera to send WWE NXT off the air.

No update is available on who WWE plans to this Steiner – Gacy storyline, forward but it looks like Harland or Gacy will end up challenging Breakker for the NXT Title. Rumors are there that Steiner’s safety will be on the line in a “Dog-Faced Gremlin In a Cage” bout.

New heel faction arrived on WWE NXT

A new heel faction in Pretty Deadly has arrived in WWE NXT 2.0. Last night’s episode featured The Creed Brothers defeating Imperium’s Marcel Barthel and Fabian Aichner in a tag team action in the opening contest. Brutus Creed and Julius Creed double-teamed on Barthel after Aichner walked out of the match following some miscommunications.

After the match, Malcolm Bivens of The Diamond Mine and The Creed Brothers stood tall until two hooded men entered the ring and attacked Creed Brothers with steel chair shots. These appear to be the same men who recently vandalized The Diamond Mine Dojo, and also attacked The Creed Brothers backstage. The mystery revealed themselves to be NXT UK’s Pretty Deadly following the attack.

Pretty Deadly previously had the name of Lewis Howley and Sam Stoker, but they are now called Elton Prince and Kit Wilson on WWE NXT. According to their social media profiles, Stoker is now Wilson and Howley is now Prince who are likely to begin a rivalry with the Creeds in weeks to follow.

Arindam Pal

A WWE writer passionate about the sports.