Becky Lynch
courtesy WWE

There’s been a long-standing issue between Ric Flair and Becky Lynch regarding THE MAN shtick and the two previously got into a beef via social media over it. Things went too far that it eventually distanced the WWE Hall of Famer from the company and he then departed for a short time span. In fact, a legal conflict also ensued between WWE and Flair over trademark issues which seems to have been resolved by now.

Plus, Ric Flair admittedly issued an apology to Becky Lynch backstage at the recently bygone RAW is XXX anniversary show. On that night that also served as the go-home edition for the 2023 Royal Rumble event, Flair was backstage alongside several other WWE legends who returned to WWE’s flagship show on the special occasion for the event.

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Ric Flair on his experience on Raw 30

Speaking about the latest appearance on Raw on his podcast, To Be The Man, Flair talked about the backstage appearance he had at the show. Flair confirmed that he spoke to both Seth Rollins and Becky Lynch to specifically apologize to the latter over their earlier rift over the “THE MAN” moniker. Things should’ve gone well between the two as per the below comments,

“It started out with me and Hunter talking for about an hour, which is a private discussion, but resolving a lot of issues that have been lingering for a couple years, and then I apologized to Becky Lynch. I walked up to her and said, ‘May I speak with you for a minute’, and I said, ‘I’m sorry that this got to where it is.’”

“I went over and shook Seth Rollins hand and I said, ‘I’m going to apologize to your wife.’ I’ve just decided that, you know, it all comes with the documentary. Sometimes you get so wrapped up in things that you just forget, and you say it so many times for so many years.”

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Ric Flair doesn’t have any problems giving away THE MAN moniker to Becky Lynch or anybody else

The Naitch also added that he doesn’t consider himself to be THE MAN, indirectly noting that stars like Becky Lynch can use it without any legal consequences waiting for it,

“I am not ‘The Man’ anymore,” Flair added. “‘The Man’ is whoever the people think it is, and basically we’ve turned it over to social media to decide who ‘The Man’ is.”

Ric Flair had been using THE MAN moniker since the 80s. In the modern era, Seth Rollins borrowed the same for a brief timespan before his wife Becky Lynch made a career out of it during 2018-19. The popularity of the gimmick also helped the WWE to set up the first-ever all-female WrestleMania main event in 2019.

Becky Lynch reached the top of her career by winning the match. Moving on, Ric Flair filed complaints about how WWE used the shtick despite it belonging to him. This started a trademark dispute between the two sides that affected relationships in a negative manner. However, the dust has now settled and all of them can be considered on the same page following Raw’s 30th-anniversary episode.

Arindam Pal

A WWE writer passionate about the sports.