WWE Smackdown Results (31/07/20): Styles-Metalik; Bayley-Cross; Mandy-Otis Returns 1
courtesy WWE

Jeff Hardy was out on SmackDown to talk about overcoming his obsession with alcohol and then defeat Sheamus in a Bar Fight. His promo was interrupted by King Corbin who went on a rant until Drew Gulak attacked him from behind and set up the next match.

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Drew Gulak vs. King Baron Corbin was the lineup where Matt Riddle was out to have a close look into the match. Gulak wanted to get the upper-hand using this distraction but he ran into an End of Days from Corbin to suffer the loss.
After the match, Riddle tried to attack Corbin but Shorty G came out and dropped Riddle with a German Suplex. G decides to take the side of Corbin in return for money.

Big E competed in a match against The Miz on SmackDown where John Morrison distracted E on several occasions. The referee finally caught him and ejected from ringside. This allowed E to lock in the Stretch Muffler submission on Miz for the win.

Arindam Pal

A WWE writer passionate about the sports.